third story offering

... -- as wii move foreword along the path towards the patchwork quilted municipality tapestry fore ' independent interwoven collectives ,, wii need to have a good grasp and control of our sustainable _ renewable resources ,, at the local community _ grass roots level of economic production and usage ...


... -- this means that wii need to be acutely aware of the materials which wii need in our municipalities ,, on a daily basis ,, as these materials are required and defined bye the community ' s various levels of consumption ,, as that flow of material translates into products and services which themselves maye be of a temporary or durable length of municipal usage tyme ...


... -- in a ' nut shell ' then ,, the two basic renewable _ sustainable materials which people need to focus on are silicon ,, and carbon ,, as that translates into cellulose ,, and ceramics ,, which are derived from vegetation ,, and sand _ clay _ rocks _ and earth of various compositions ...


... -- cellulose maye derived from any type of vegetation ,, and can be moulded ,, cast ,, spun ,, and extruded ,,  into a variety of shapes and forms ,, which can then be used as paper products ,, all plastic material substitutes ,, and any kind of wood manufacturing composite or whole fiber product ... -- totally known and green compouds _ chemicals ,, maye bee both additionally added and / or derived from cellulose ,, to make up additional RESINS ,, which may then serve as composite cellulose / wood binding agents ,, paper _ plastic material catalysts ,, or separate environmentally safe glues and adhesives in their own right ...


... -- the application of sand _ clays _ rocks _ and other soils as ceramics is a very well know craft dating back thousands of years and cutting across all cultures in their understanding and usage ... -- for example ,, when wii talk about pottery and all types of ' eating or dinning ware ' ,, this is a ceramic material application ...


... -- any kind of glass product ,, is as well a type of ceramic ,, and the same basic logic can be applied to the heating of different types of rock ,, in much the same way that magma and lava are natural earth produced stone ware and building material products ...


... -- many of the different kinds of cements additionally used as bonding agents in these applications ,,are really ceramics in their own composition ,, and the different types of bonding mortars and stone adhesives may very well also be of a ceramic composition as well ...


... -- soo wii can easily talk about all types of building materials ,, housing materials ,, furniture ,, eating ware ,, many industrial and farming materials ,, and practically any other accessory or item ,, that could be made out of wood ,, plastic ,, paper ,, or stone ,, as being able to be made ,, on the local municipal communal level from readily accessible and sustainable sources of silicon ,, and carbon materials ...


... - the production fore ' any of these resources is well established and easily accessible information ,, and the environmentally safe ,, and renewable supply fore ' these materials is as easy as simple compound management ,, small particulate inhalation monitoring ,, sustainable habitat harvesting and conserving ,, and additional friendly metals requirements securing ...


... -- forever always now ; isaiah parable

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