sixty third degree entering


. . . - - wii want to at this point , , look at the middle & inner level fore ' quant _ algebra _ fier phrases , , and notice that there needs to be another dimensional vector spine added because there exists a folded possibility on several topical event arenas , , fore ' the expression of ' time ' as a expended energy frame , , out of a SERIES OF TWO DIMENSIONAL LINEAR SEQUENTIALLY EXPENDED ENERGY FRAME UNITS THEMSELVES . . .


. . . - - in fact , , the generalized abstract concept relating to ' time ' is always identified with some relative position in sequential reference to other possible ' times ' of topical import . . .


. . . - - as an example of this phenomena , , the lexical ltem ' yesterdaye ' , , implies both a possible expended momentail energy frame of a twenty hour period , , and also implies the fact of this particular moment expenditure itself as a complete unit , , exists in a sequence of twenty four hour moment discrete bounded quantities , , which realized itself directly before the present twenty four hour time frame of actual conceptual event occurrence . . .


. . . - - let ' s look at three examples of this added depth fore ' the folded in WHEN quant _ algebra _ fier dimension , , and see that the middle level of phrase information processing deals with the generalities of a WHEN within background setting computational dimensional addition , , and the inner level of phrase information processing deals with the proportional details of what that computational dimensional addition might be . . .


a ) . . . - - ' however , , yesterdaye shelia left quickly ' . . .


. . . - - the lexical item ' yesterdaye contains middle level information content about a dimensional WHEN development to background setting possibility , , and inner level information content that implies both a twenty four hour expended background setting frame , , and that frame ' s relative meta topical position with regards to the time period IN WHICH THE CONCEPTUAL EVENT OF FOCUS WAS EXECUTED ITSELF BYE ITS CREATOR . . .


b ) . . . - - ' however , , yesterdaye morning shelia left quickly ' . . .


. . . - - hear wii have the same initial lexical item ' yesterdaye ' which has the same general middle level meta event processing fore ' WHEN dimensional background setting vector addition , , and which now allows for a added vector spine folded state _ ifier phrase / lexical item addition , , which specifies the more definite expended setting background , , WITHIN THE ALREADY DEFINED TWENTY FOUR HOUR SEQUENTIALLY PLACE FRAME . . .


c ) . . . - - ' however , , last tuesdaye shelia left quickly ' . . .


. . . - - in this event example , , the middle level processing operation is the same as with the other two examples , , which allows fore ' the larger scope expended frame sequential position to be divided up between the two lexical items ' last ' , , & ' tuesdaye ' . . .



. . . - - the lexical item ' ' last ' , ,  is a marker fore ' a quantified linear sequential positioning place or rank , , and the lexical marker ' tuesdaye ' , , implies both a generic sequential position in a seven place cycle group , , as well a smaller scope twenty four hour possible event occurrence background ; ; & wii can denote this lexical item division of expended time frame information , , as a WHENZ folded dimensional phrase entry . . .


. . . - - as a waye of introducing the next UG phrase , , wii can say that the lexical marker ' last ' , , is the folded numerical sequence indicator fore ' state _ ifier set theoretical property value assignment , , otherwise known as INVERSE _ ALGEBRA _ FIER PHRASES . . .


. . . - - and the pattern fore ' how the different dimensional background setting vector spines are computed in the middle level and inner level quant _ algebra _ fier phrase operation protocol , , is basically the same fore ' the other folded dimensional phrase possibility selections , , where the middle level defines the general dimensional category of use , , general category syntactic / semantic functional characteristics , , and whether or not there is additional vector phrase defining background information content to process itself . . .


. . . - - this leaves inner level and some middle – inner level composite information processing to bring forth the particulars fore ' more exact dimensional proportional background setting design . . .


. . . - - fore ' the sake of correct ledger organization , , please note the the UG prolog computational linguistic algebra programme , , needs to be modified , , so that the WHENZ folded quant _ algebra _ fier dimensional possibility appears as a possibility itself , , in the quant _ algebra _ fier middle / inner level glyph node computer programme excerpts . . .


. . . - - ' till next tyme ; ;


. . . - - forever always tao ; ; isaiah parable

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