sixth starlight casting gem six

announcement fore ' the DIS _ 0 _ LUTION of the united states , , as that hypocritical / false / violent / greedy / failed / capitalist / oligarchy / , , and the REMOVAL & destruction  of that same totally CORRUPT & INCORRECT document ; ; ' the declaration of  ' independence ' ' 


ALL _ A of WHICH WILL NOW BE REPLACED BYE the patchwork quilted community of socialist _ true democratic -- independent _ collective -- collaborative _ free -- green _ clean -- plant _ animal -- people _ ecosystem -- union _ guild -- municipalities ; ; fore ' ONE HOUSE / ONE GOD / ONE MOMENT / ONE PEOPLE / ONE SPIRIT / ONE LOVE : : :  and which will in turn now have as itZ fundamental FOUNDING document of freedom & power & hope & and government ; ;  HENRY DAVID THOREAU ' S ESSAY ON CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE  

. . .  forever always now ; ; isaiah parable

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