third starlight casting gem three


and if it was ; ; one tyem bee fore '

What doeZ that meen two U ???

don ' t cal _ Q – layte ; ; sum dis _ mal score

con – sue _ ming elite stew


THAT object whim ; ; comeZ trans _ about

fore ' beckon hard – EE ryde

oHH hopeful glance ; ; with wile grout

bringZ goal state rush _ ANG tide


cast UG fist ; ; hurl scepter phase

first timing inn – con _ classed

NOW clean _ ING up ; ; those dirt _ EE dayZe

bee – wildered ' ception passed


joyz fuNn – elled iNn ; ; the raging frame

host shadey pen _ ALL form

reject selection ; ; sporting gayme

denial ' busive worm


AND now fore ' the following messages ; ;

what a bunch of shit

WHEN who could be brokering vestiges

elite madness pitt

eye ' m glad yore direction iZZ out of waye

' void – ence KARMIC GRINDZ

starlight possessive THEN reaper sway

crushing moore _ on myndz


itZ nice to see ; ; and nice two know

that mill stone turnZ around

sow take up wheat ; ; and take up sand

from furrowed hallowed ground


yo stair well wound ; ; ' tween soul fill space

collusion makes amendZ

' till reason gripe ; ; which posit lace

keep cycled meet – ter trends


nice 2 noe U ; ; & feel the sane

bobin ' thread bear spool

though otherZ glimpse ; ; ' twixt flicker flame

' trix ' matic data poole


the end – less END ; ; imm _ poss – ii _ bell

from waiting over dunn

from ashes rise ; ; tomorrow ' s dream

pure truth from falseness spun

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