twenty seventh story offering

... -- yeah dec _ ember of ' 02 ;; knot fooling U ;; ii ' mm working with

mye personal ally on shoring up a few of the details regarding the

security and layout of a vegan city ,, located out in the periphery _

front _ tier ,, t - ware ,, it stood as an out _ post and border point ,,

to help secure the forces of asgard against the threat of chaotic nephylum

and renegade dwendylum hoards and contempt ... -- yeah ; and eye ' ve got

to leave the apartment in tempe in a few minutes to make mye appoint _

ment fore ' staring a class in ESL over at mesa community college ... -- '

that ' s nice ,, i don ' t think yore going to be in any condition to make

that meeting ,, or teach any class any where darling ...'



... -- and there it lay ;; dancing bright and heavy ,, about four feet

away ,, with that squirming cartoonish outline of a four foot female

presence leveling a disrupter cannon at mye head and letting go of the

release trigger at the same time ... -- ' you might be immortal ,, but i '

m still going to take you down ,, and shackle you up for the multi cannon

rack and brain mite feast that we ' ve got planned fore ' you ' ... --

that stinging - surging heat of sharp pain and draining fatigue wave splat

hitting mii point blank in the head now ;; and her jeering cackling

taunts ,, only increased the effect ,, in classic rotten dwendylum

sorceric fashion ,, this must be a top clan she banshee ,, judging from

the amount of discomfort and loss of energy that ii ' mm experiencing ...


... -- ' o . k . ' ;; says mye ally ,, eye had to set you up fore this one

,, on the leverage towards maintaining the valkyrie out post as wii

planned ... -- ' take the heat ,, yule have to eat the surprise

unpleasantry ,, as value added tax towardz the invest _ meant ,, and with

that feeling that eyem with you ,, wield mye spirit ,, pivot at warp

factor two ,, ii ' ll slow down the frame feed sequence ,, and then yule

come out of hyper space just as she ' s ready to cut you down ,, and wrap

you up in her slimey tentacles of waist - waste ,, and you doe the rest '



... -- scene blurring now ,, as eye feel the rush of power and faith ,, of

course ,, he had it planned ,, and using his unbending intent to love the

moment and LOVE JAH ,, eye take deep breath ,, pull up inside ala mureen

samuels art of the dance teachings ,, with arms drawing inn first to the

hip ,, ready to wield _ focus _ cast EXTEND the power of love out to the

judgement that it is asking fore ' ... -- pirouette - left leg - inside

straight ,, now come to daddy ,, and voila ;; -- flashing - flashing nowe

as eye spin around materializing out of hyper space to see ,, out of

corner of mye eye ,, that dewendylum slut engaging her cannon and

unfolding her violent wrapping filth of abdominal entrapment and consuming

digest ,, on a flickering image OF WHERE AND WHEN II HAD BEEN ...


... -- in that exquisite hanging pause of a single moment ,, eye finish

mye turn ,, land ,, plant back foot tin the prescribed fashion ,, and

takes one second breath as ii level mye forearms and bring the samurai

glare of death to bear ... -- ' high sweet heart ' ;; ' over here ' ;; and

in that final moment of judgement and truth as the hideous specter jerks

around to confront mii ,, ii wait until she is fully facing ,, and just

before she can adjust her aim and wriggling fiberous extentful embrace ,,

ii deliver ;;;


;;; ' see ya later ' ,, as ii raise and swing arms from the hip ,, '

energize ' ;; the chi energy life force flows out form mye mid section ,,

through the mye arms ,, reaching the focal release point of the wrists ,,

and then snapping out into two clear dazzling bright blue and silver

stabbing beams of light ... horrible ghastly shriek of surprise and pain

,, reaching a wretching peak of agony as the apparition in front of mii

folds and withers into a sludgy pool of contempt and fate ... -- '' right

' ;; ii haer and feel mye ally presence beside mii ;; ' one downe ,, and a

whole lot more to goe ' ,, its going to be fun and games all day and night

long ,, and at the end of it ,, yule be a on a completely different plane

of consciousness ,, and hopefully ,, all of the work ,, WILL BE DONE ' ...


... -- ' how do you want it ' mye ally was speaking again to mii clearly

,, and calmly ,, as eye paused fore ' a moment to catch mye breath ,, and

consolidate the present point of astral arrival ,, to which wii had

accomplished ourselves fore ' ... -- ' max return fore the investment ,,

as usual '' were mye words ,, ' let ' s give creation as much completion

and excitement in the name of GOD and the moment ,, as wii possibly

cannes ,, SOP ' ... -- ' right ' ;; was the usual and expected reply ;;

them here ' number two ,, right bye yore eye ' ; ' DUCK ' !!! -- ' fuck '

;; eye thought out loud as ii hit and ate cheap tan blemished re fab

carpet in mye same tempe apartment entry room ;; ' these mo - fo ' s aren

' t fooling around ' ...


... -- and certainly they weren ' t ... -- this tyme ,, with out a doubt

,, it was male dwendylym male corrupt consciousness ,, in a planet _ mag _

lev suit ,, with plain brown fit and thin clear goggle eye shield ,, AND

FULLY CORPOREAL ... -- suspended in mye living room ,, with seemingly

about four or five others cloaked ,, all converging dwendylum short fire

tissue disrupting cannons in unison ,, and only showing mii one target to

believe inn ... -- ' yore not going to like this ,, but there ' s

infinitely uncountably many of these dwendeeze lined up to take you out ,,

eye can cnannel them into a confrontation corridor ,, but yore going to

get hit ,, and its going to feel ,, right ;; you know ' ... -- ' let ' s

do it one moment at a time ,, concentrate on the target ,, and ii ' ll do

the rest '...


... -- you never speak to corporeal adversaries ,, it is done in usual

engagement style ,, ii roll over to the other end of the sofa that was

shielding mii ,, and then lunge to mye right ,, swing around ,, and bring

it to bear ,, wrists crossed from either end of the waist at the hip ,,

with the exhaling of breath and the desire to download justice in a mega

moment of liquid end ... not moving as quickly from the constraint of his

mag _ lev suit ,, the dwendylym ' charchent ' was in process of raising

his barrel to discharge ,, when suddenly the whole room lit up in a spike

of pressure ,, just like sum ONE had inflated the elastic chords of

oscillating existence with an overpowering pulse _ wave of directed

intentional faith ...


... -- and that was all he had time fore '' because at that very same

information processing moment ,, the blinding silvery blue expression of

mye joy fore freedom ,, love ,, and truth ,, leapt out ,, and reduced his

being to a smoldering drape of diminishing galactic invasion and piracy

... -- ' let ' s get out of here ' ,, mye ally said ,, ' there ' s going

to be a hoard of them at the door ,, and they ' ll probably decimate your

car on the waye to mesa ,, but wheel negotiate that run in the road ,, as

it comes up upon us ' ... -- ' ... ' rico ' ;; ii felt a pause ,, as a

took inventory of the moment and looked at his kindly fierce ally face ;;

' it does go on from here ' ;; ' and things do turn out at the end ' ...

-- at that was nine years ago ,, and indeed ,, it appears that they

certainly do ;;; they most CERTAIN _ LEE DEW ...


... - forever always now ;; isaiah parable


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