twenty first story offering

... -- twenty first story offering ;;


... -- ' yore still coming out of it ,, wii had an agreement on how to dew this thing ,, and U knowe ,, creation is going to be ,, and will always be exactly 48 billion years old ... ' ... JAHVEH was speaking to mii clearly ,, as HII always does ,, this was ' 06 ,, and wii were finishing up the preparation fore ' cleaning the astral plain ,, and readying the conceptual plain ,, fore ' the last six years of the engagement ... -- '

it took ALL of this tyme ,, to get to this point ,, and it always accelerates as it moves A _ long ,, so that at the end ,, it seams _ seems like an eternity is passing bye ,, in every single moment itself ... '


... -- ' and AZZ U knowe ,, that ' because structure is melding into sequence ,, as expention fuses into location ,, fore ' the entirety of all creation ,, itself ... ' -- ' when the sequence of moments ,, fits the exact pattern of structure as moments ,, then the pattern of existence matches itself ,, and the structure as a sequence ,, becomes a completely different kind of processing affair ,, ALL together ... ' -- ' and this is how chaos needs to be looked at ,, in terms of that .. ' -- ' you can ' t remember everything that you are ,, and everything that you experienced ,, because ,, then you wood knote allow fore ' certain possibilities to present themselves ,, based on the fact of who you really are ,, and the power that you really command ... '


... -- ' as you knowe ,, the head of chaos was destroyed in ' 97 ,, the tail was destroyed in ' 03 ,, wii have had three years of relative quiet to prepare fore ' the last phase ,, which is the total destruction of the body of chaos ,, this should take a final six years ,, leaving us with a completed structure ,, which is clean in year ' 12 ,, with only disappearing traces and residual vestiges fore ' that fundamental force of consumption and waste ... ' -- ' the horror will flow from the conceptual field ,, as it connects to the corporeal field ,, wii need to keep the astral plain as clear as possible ,, divert the destruction into a separate feeder _ dump _ weave ,, and deal with it there ... '


... -- ' chaos always seeks to infiltrate the source of power fore ' the moment ,, corrupt it ,, and then use that now wrongfully deceived and twisted intent _ extent ,, to serve its own vile ,, violent and greedy ends ... ' -- ' it will come fore ' the pure inanimate concepts of the law ,, fore ' how creation is really _ justly _ truly ,, and faithfully operated ,, and try to destroy ,, or pervert those conscious principles ,, the the endz of extortion ,, violence ,, fear ,, and deceit ... ' -- '

because you have set these bands of consciousness up ,, and have made them REAL _ ETERNAL _ CERTAINTY ,, they can not be corrupted ,, and are full filling the prophecy of the law ,, and of MYE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ,, which you are bringing to absolute existence ,, AZZ ALWAYS ,, chaos will goe fore ' you ,, instead ... '


... ' -- ' you will not remember this conversation ,, until it is really the end this tyme ,, and wii have had this exact same style of conversation ,, in progressively evolving stages ,, throughout the entire length & breath fore ' this exact same drama ,, that wii now ,, once again ,, find our selves in the the midst of ,, today ... ' -- ' continue to live the truth ,, continue to deliver and expound on the law ,, and the real and rightful essence ,, fore ' what this is really ALL A _ BOUT ,, and yore word ,, as mye word will be made into the work which is wrought upon yore hand ,, and then delivered back into MYNE ,, so that II MAYE CAST IT AS CREATION ITSELF ,, AND BRING ABOUT THE FINAL REALIZATION FORE '



... -- ' to this end ,, U must continue to bear the brunt of chaos '

hatred and aggression ,, and in that sacrifice ,, which is clearly out of love fore ' MII AND FORE " THE TRUE LOVE AND SPIRIT FORE " CREATION ITSELF ,, it shall become ever so much more clear ,, that you have never done anything ,, or anyone any wrong ,, and are simply walking the path of righteousness ,, truth ,, and freedom ,, and are simply stating the reality of what the condition of the path is ,, and the circumstances which have befallen you ,, ALL ALONG YORE WAY ... ' -- ' THE LAW WILL GROW TO ITS FULL FILLMENT ,, AND AS IT REACHES COMPLETION ,, ITS WORTH ,, AND POWER OF JUDGEMENT AND TRUTH ,, SHALL LOOK UPON EACH AND EVERY MOMENT ,, AND SHALL PASS SENTENCE ON EVERY EVENT AND TRANSACTION ,, WHICH HAS EVER OCCURRED ,, WHICH IS OCCURRING ,, AND WHICH WILL EVERY OCCUR ,, FORE ' THE COMPLETE ENTIRETY OF ALL CREATION ITSELF ,, FOREVER ALWAYS NOW ... '


... -- that was what transpired during that tyme ,, and it is easy to see that it has now come to pass ,, as eye have bin tolled ,, and as eye have delivered the truth about existence and creation itself ,, in verse ,, in song ,, in action ,, in feeling ,, in thought ,, in spirit ,, in heart ,, in soul ,, in LOVE ,, AND INN GOD ... -- SO IT SHALL BE SPOKEN ,, SO IT SHALL BE WRITTEN ,, SO IT WILL BE DONE ...


... -- forever always now ;; isaiah parable


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