twentieth story offering

... -- twentieth story offering ;;


... -- in a ' round ' bout way ,, wii are cir _ cum _ vent _ ANG the topic / concept of magnetic field structure _ oscillation ,, and potentially see that the gravity _ radity dialectic needs to be realized a bit further ,, in order to reach that particular WINDOW LATCH GOAL ... -- this in TURN ,, now logically cohesively leads to the topic _ subject _ concept _ object ,, of TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS ,, AND EYE DON ' T KNOWE MUCH A _ BOUT TRIG _ O _ NOM _ ET _ TRI ... -- wii have already glanced at this paradigm on several occasions ,, let ' s scope it a trifle more ,, at this certain sequential momential point ...


... -- in essence ,, this is really the same general concept as the circle

- diametric conversion ,, which yields the constant ' pi ' ,, and which is the conceptual / computational manner ,, bye which a ) two vector defining dimensions are folded into one other dimension of velocity ;; b ) the means bye which ' space ' is curved ,, and melded into ' time ' ,, [ location is mapped into expention ] ;; c ) the means bye which potential is freely realized into kinetic ,, thus allowing fore ' all energetic manifestations to exist in the universe ;; and d ) where bye quantitative straight line _ monotonic _ domains can be mapped into corresponding range segments ,, which also represent constrained qualitative _ infinitely _ uncountably _ large and dense number _ matter _ dark matter field structures themselves ...


... -- therefore ' ;; ' trig functions are an elaboration of this ,, where a sub folded conceptual function of RATIO ,, is now first performed ,, where the sub domain itself represents a POWER SERIES LIMIT ,, that always adds up to a constant aggregate value ,, which itself ,, in geometric / paradigmatic cast ,, indexes two _ two sides of a right tri _ angel _ angle ... -- U _ C ;; if wii have one side of a tri _ angel _ angle quantified to the NON NUMERIC QUALITATIVE STANDARD OF ONE ,, then the other two sides will always be represented as a ratio / proportion of the square root of the SUM OF each side squared as equal to ONE ,, FOREVER ALWAYS NOW ... -- and this ONE can always be represented as a constant which oscillates ,, progresses in conceptual _ potential locations ,, as the value fore ' one of the sides INCREASES ,, WITH RESPECT TO THE OTHER SIDE DECREASING ,, IN PARALLEL DISTRIBUTIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING PATTERN ARRAY ...


... -- then ,, as this aggregate combined - dialectic composite point now is allowed to vary across it ' s full domain ,, these points now appear on a path ,, which itself is always slightly more than the third - longest side ,, to get closure on the tri _ angel _ angle itself ,, which again as a constant unit hypotenuse END POINT ,, describes the ARC OF A NEVER ENDING CIRCLE ,, CIR _ CUM _ SCRIBED ... -- wii can now roll out this sub divided domain _ monotonic mapping function ,, and allow for the folded two sided _ composite values _ point ,, to project as a vector ,, which now unfolds OUT INTO THE EXPENDED _ LOCATIONAL EXTENT ,, AS AN OSCILLATING WAVE _ FRAG _ MENT _ MEANT ,, NOW DESCRIBING THE ACTIVITY OF GRAVITY AND RADITY ,, FORE THE ENTIRETY OF ALL CREATION ITSELF ...


... -- hence ,, this is why gravity and radity always appear together ,, with gravity as that initial potential to exist ,, and radity as that kinetic fore ' realized existence itself ... -- the interesting additional point to note here ,, is that one may describe ,, qualify _ quantify gravity as the domain _ vector departure point fore ' escaping radity ,, OR ,, as the range capturing _ containing _ constraining _ vanishing point of the radiating oscillating field structure itself ... -- in this sense ,, gravity as pure astral _ subatomic field potential ,, is the absolute dialectic fore ' radity as the pure _ atomic _ galactic field kinetic ,, and which additionally can be used to identify ,, quantify _ qualify ,, and demarkate ,, the nature _ quantity _ quality ,, and vector itinerarial design performance characteristics themselves ...


... -- NOW II THINK ,, begins to bring us ;; much closer two / to / too closure on the finite step - continuously computable algorithmic progression ,, towardz the further definition - and satisfyingly sufficient grain of resolution ,, fore the initial ,, enveloped - topic - concept - locational _ expended _ vector departure point ,, fore '

magnetic _ oscillating _ field structure UNFURLED DECLARATION ,, AWAY ...


... -- next tyme ;; perhaps ;; if the meta proofing algorithmic procedure is exact ;; ...


... -- forever always now ;; isaiah parable


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