thirty third story offering

... -- o . k . ;; modalities ;; and when you consider this paradigm as a method fore ' understanding and interpreting what wii are as beings ;; then you need to understand that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE MODALITIES ARE ;; what wii are as beings ,, in what wii use to understand and interpret _ negotiate the nature of what is ;; and what IT IS ;; which surrounds us and describes our situation ;; per any given stream of moments ;; forever always now ... -- and this kind of revolving _ META REFLECTIVE _ vista ;; is as well an example fore ' the specific meta paradigmatic approach ;; which wii need to utilize in tandem _ parallel [ parallel distributed processing ] ,, in order to reach that most desirable objective- goal ,, for that very same process - procedure towards understanding what wii are trying to understand and interpret that understanding in the up most accurate and cogent manner possible ...


... -- ii ' mm intentionally being difficult here ,, so that you as the reader maye be better able to grasp the embedded notion of how processes and procedures are them selves an integral part _ component ;; of and fore ' the / that very same process / objective towards which wii had OR have OR would want to focus our attention on ,, for e' any generalized nature of investigative research or inquiry it very own information processing self - its self ... -- and since wii are always constrained / limited / defined bye the very same tools that wii have fore'investigating the exact same phenomena that is itself described bye those same actual tools which wii use to try and investigate any given phenomenon with in the first place ,, there needs to be a way out of this circular tract of absolute reflective information processing mirror loop pursuit ,, and there is ;; THE USE OF META RECURSIVE DOUBLED INN DOUBLED OUT INFERENCE AND COHESION ...


... -- the first item on the agenda is to realize that indeed ,, THIS IS THE CORRECT NATURE AND REALITY OF CREATION ;; that it is one thing _ structure ,, made out of consciousness ,, and its purpose fore ' existence ' is to exist fore ' the purpose of ' finding out ' , or 'becoming aware ' of what it really is ,, and what it does as an existential object fore ' reflection and cir _ cum _ stance ... -- so ;; the first step here is to understand that indeed ,, this is the game ,, and because this is bye definition THE ONLY POSSIBLE GAME IN TOWNE ,, when one starts their protocol - algorithm with that understanding ,, they REMOVE BIAS OR DISTORTION FROM THEIR CALCULATIONS BYE VIRTUE OF THE FACT THAT THEY ARE ACKNOWLEDGING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PROCEED IN ANY OTHER MANNER ,, AND SO THEY HAVE TRUTH FULLY ACCOUNTED FORE ' THAT FACT OF UNAVOIDABLE 'SUBJECTIVITY AND PERSPECTIVE ' ,, AND AS SUCH ARE NOW FREE FROM ANY BIAS OR LIMITED DEGREES OF FREE ANALYSIS ...


... -- william james had some very interesting insights on this particular vision and perspective ,, and it is a shame and a tragic mistake that practically all subsequent developing schools and present day paradigms fore ' psychological thought mock james ' as being ' subjective ' and ' too biased ' ,, to yield any real data or experimental results of any value ,, when these persons are themselves so hopelessly out of touch with themselves AND THE TRUE REAL NATURE OF CREATION ,, that they don ' t realize that this is THE ONLY WAY THEY HAVE ANYWAYS ,, [ THEIR OWN PERSONAL SUBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS ] from which and fore ' which to evaluate anything _ anywhere _ anyways ...


... -- and in that sense these same psychologists were of a paradigm and LINGUISTIC CON _ CEPTUAL PER _ CEPTUAL FRAME OF MIND that had certain biases already engineered into it ,, because they didn ' t account fore ' the simple fact ,, would never know that they were totally distorting all and any possible data or results through their own paradigmatic filter ,, AND NEVER EVEN BE AWARE OF WHAT THEY WERE DOING ,, BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO ADMIT THAT THIS WAS WAHT THEY WERE DOING ... -- hence ;; and consequently bye acknowledging this simple fact ;; people may instead DRAW ATTENTION TO THE MECHANISM BY WHERE & WHICH ALL OF THIS IS HAPPENING ,, THROUGH CAREFUL introspective analysis ,, can CONTROL FORE ' THAT BIAS ,, by recognizing and accounting fore ' the arti _ factual operating design characteristics ,, fore '' that same process _ procedure in question ...


... -- o . k . ;; [ oh ;; oh yeah ;; and incidentally ,, now AT THIS PRESENT ENLIGHTENED INFORMATION PROCESSING POINT ,, EVERYONE IS GOING TO SAY ;; '' YEAH ,, THAT ' S RIGHT ' ;; and turn to the psychologists of present day yore ,, and say ;; ' now what ,, didn ' t you consider this ??? ' ;; and the psychologists are going have a very embarrassed SELF CONSCIOUS FELLING ,, AND KIND MUMBLE OR STUTTER ,, OR SAY ' OH WELL WII UH HMMMM ' ;; AND THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN CONTINUALLY IN REAL TIME OVER AND OVER ,, BECAUSE II SAID SO ;; just to emphasize a point about who really knows about psyche AND WHO DOESN ' T ] ... -- because many of these individuals were very quick to comment on mye work and say that it wasn 't of any value or use ;; AND II THINK THAT THESE SAME INDIVIDUALS ARE GOING TO FROM THAT POINT ON ,, BYE THE GRACE AND WILL OF GOD ,, BECOME TOTALLY MUTE AND UNABLE TO SPEAK OR COMMENT ON ANYTHING AT ALL ANY WHERE ,, AND ANY WAYS ;; BECAUSE II SAID SO ;; and because they were VERY BAD in what they did ...


... -- now ;; step two in this overall integrated process of accurate _ true _ real _ factual analysis and understanding of what wii are as beings and how wii go about understanding and negotiating the universe which surrounds us and defines us ;; this method of meta recursive doubled out doubled in reflective grasping of that very same meta reflective understanding itself ;; you have to always ' back into everything ' from the perspective of what was the original process and rational for the very SAME existence of that particular phenomenon of note ,, IN TERMS OF HOW THAT PHENOMENON SERVED TO FULL FILL THE ULTIMATE AGENDA OF THE STRUCTURE ITSELF ,, [ and within that context ,, the ultimate agenda of any being as defined bye that same structure and structural agenda ] ,, which is the protocol and procedure fore ' the expression of existence its very own information processing self ...


... -- YOU SEE ,, eye needed AND U need to repeat all of these things and state them in this very same prescribed manner ,, OTHER WISE PEOPLE WILL NOT GET THE POINT FORE ' ALL OF THIS ,, AND INN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY META REFLECTIVE AND INTER - CONNECTED WAYS NEVER GRASP THE CORRECT TOPIC STANZ ,, OF PRAGMATIC FLOOR POSITION ,, OR PARADIGMATIC PERSPECTIVE ,, of _ and fore this enveloped and meta reflective wrapped real _ truth ,, about WHAT IT AND U ARE REALLY ALL ABOUT ... -- so ;; in every sense of the word ,, eye wasn ' t talking about this in any other way but the most parsimonious and economical fashion ,, in order to accurately define and describe such a convoluted and operationally _ functionally wrapped and twisted [ in the good sense ,, and remember ;; the lexical item ' twisted ' can be used to index and define very good properties and qualities in the universe ] ,, set and state of information processing affairs ,, and how ...


... -- and what exactly does all of this mean ??? -- well ;; it means that when one is looking at ANYTHING AROUND THEM AT ANY TIME ,, IN ORDER TO REALLY BE ABLE TO ARRIVE AT THE TRUTH OF WHAT THEY ARE REALLY DOING AND REALLY ENGAGED IN ,, one needs to be able to always understand the overall motive and purpose fore ' what they are and what they exist fore '' and be able to accurately index or locate or ground that chain of activity / inference _ line of logical cohesion ,, within the overall context of the agenda fore ' the expression of self and structure ,, the existence of self and structure ,, the very mechanism by which meta recursively and meta reflectively that very same being is able to even exist fore ' a single moment itself ,, perched on the edge of forever ,, on the window sill of sum cozy little corner of creation ,, on a pleasant valley sunday afternoon ,, sum where over the rain bow ... -- to be continued ...


... -- forever always now ;; isaiah parable


















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