thirty fourth story offering

... -- in reel tyme then ;; and ALWAYS in linear sequential expended '

time ' frame of full freedom and service to the ETERNAL MOMENT ... ;; this is the most vital and important part of the whole equation ,, TO FREELY ACCEPT THE TOTALITY OF THE MOMENT AS IT IS GIVEN TO YOU ,, AND THEN TO FREELY GIVE IT BACK TO ETERNITY - TO CREATION - INN ITS TOTALITY AND META FOLDED ENTIRETY ITSELF ;; FORE ' EVERY MOMENT ;; FOREVER ALWAYS NOW ... -- this is why the music is played inn the fashion that it izz ,, the starlight troubadours celebrate and worship the experience of creation ;; and inn that honour ALLOW FORE ' THE MOMENT TO BE WHATEVER IT NEEDS TO BEE ,, FREELY AND OPENLY ,, AND THEN ;; WITHIN THAT CONTEXT ,, STRIVE AND WAGER TO MAKE THAT AS FORE ' EVERY MOMENT ,, THE VERY BEST THAT IT COULD EVER POSSIBLY BEE ;; FOREVER ALWAYS NOW ...


... -- and the same philosophy _ religion _ belief system _ paradigm _ agenda ,, as well applies to any of the creative writings wrought upon mye hand ,, as well as any other moment of infinite design and decree upon mye part ;; its this sense of taking inn everything that is given ,, honestly evaluating it ,, and then strategically executing it to the optimal _ impeccable degree - extent ,, and then letting it completely go back to the source of all eternity ,, and then taking inn the next moment ,, and proceeding on inn such a manner in consistent linear sequential step fashion ,, forever always now ... -- this is the protocol fore ' the meta proofing style of existence ,, which consequently allows fore ' one to be a complete player _ participant ,, within this de _ light _ full little dream called creation ...


... -- alright ;; now back to the topic of double inn double out information processing ,, but now ;; as the initial inn coming sense of eternity is telling _ and calling fore ' ,, wii needed that little extra bit on meta proofing theory _ theory ,, and the act _ U _ ALL ALL _ A _ entz fore ' totally freedom fore ' and power with each moment in linear sequential ' reel ' tyme ,, to also be a meta _ pro _ active _ meta _ attentional _ meta described concept fore ' this topic ,, and this strategic agenda that wii are now negotiating ... -- AND U CAN FEEL THE POWER OF HOW THE MOMENT IS WIELDING ITSELF ,, TO TELL YORE SELF ABOUT THE SELF OF SELF _ LESS SELF ACTUALIZATION AND EMPOWER _ MEANT TOWARDZ YOUR SELF FORE ' NOT HAVING A SINGLE THOUGHT FORE ' YOUR SELF AS YOU ACT SELF _ LESS _ LEE IN AN IMPECCABLE AND OPTIMAL MANNER WITHIN EACH MOMENT ,, FOREVER ALWAYS NOW ...


... -- o . k . ;; eye think that this is NOW the right location and expended sequential position ,, to say the when ii say double inn double out recursive processing ,, ii am talking about the topical sequence of always allowing fore ' the truth fore structural existence to be the fundamental paradigmatic source of any conclusions regarding WHAT THE NATURE OR DESIGN _ DESCRIPTION FORE ' ANY PARTICULAR GIVEN PHENOMENON IS ,, AND WHEN EYE SAY ' DOUBLE OPEN ENDED RECURSION OR META RECURSIVE PROCESSING ' ,, eyem referring to the on line ' real tyme ' linear sequential manner of always allowing fore ' complete freedom , [ complete degrees of freedom ] ,, of creational expression ,, within the context of and fore ' any and all meta inclusive information processing MOMENTZ of awareness and desire ...


... -- and to really get in touch with our selves and ALL _ A our selves ,, wii need to come to the understanding - processing ,, where these two ranges of expression ,, merge and meet at the extreme conceptual ends of all information processing _ processing ,, where these two ranges of expression ,, merge and meet at the event horizon for multiple dimensions of existence ,, as these information processing vectors now escape to the vanishing point of all possible expression itself ,, at the boundary fore ' all possibility which now departs into the realm of impossibility and conceptual folded bounding fore ' all impossibility itself ... -- and at this point ii ' mm going to say ;; o . k . kids ,, let ' s back off from a little bit ,, because yore in way over your heads here ,, and let ' s wrap - twist _ braid - mesh _ merge - all of these threads into a manageable stream lined topic processing space of structural _ creational - existence _ design ,, and fore ' now ,, just look at the data through that particular notion with well _ chose - able _ stead ,, in stead ...


... -- and this is exactly like an escher returning - continual _ theme ,, or a beethoven returning - continual _ theme ,, and it leads to the result of the basic mechanics that in turn de _ term - inn the manner in which creation as a structure ,, manifests itself ,, in the meta reflective cast of existence itself ... -- therefore ;; using this paradigm ;; looking at all and any phenomena in terms of how that phenomenon fits into the paradigm of how a single structure can itself go about the conscious process of realizing that it exists ,, and bye doing so can accomplish that very same goal of existence or creation ,, the creation of and fore 'everything that could ever possibly exist ...


... -- the first things first that existence must itself exist ,, o . k .,, and if there is existence then there has to be an acknowledgement or understanding that there is existence ,, otherwise there wouldn ' t bee any existence ,, because there wouldn ' t exist any awareness or consciousness of existence to exist fore ' ... -- this is why creation is only a single unit of structural meta aware consciousness ,, because that is the only kind of ' thing ' ,, or ' object ' ,, or meta conceptually defined TRUTH ,, which can DOUBLY OPEN ENDED RECURSIVELY DEFINED ,, as fitting the EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED SETS OF NECESSARY CONDITIONS WHICH THEMSELVES DOUBLY OPEN ENDED RECURSIVELY DEFINE the exact same topic and topic question ,, which wii are currently engaged in focusing ou attention on in this particular moment itself ,, ITS VERY OWN INFORMATION PROCESSING SELF ...


... -- and this leads to the next point ,, that there has to be a single structure which is capable fore ' becoming aware that there is awareness which is the purpose of creation ,, to create an existence of awareness ,, oh ,, is that this inner sense of existence ??? -- that fundamental ' gut sense ' that wii exist that wii are ??? -- well ;; in structural terms it must be the sense _ ception of self existence ,, the meta awareness of a structure that it is a structure ,, o . k . ... -- then on the level of a discrete being ,, that inner ' gut sense ' of self existence ,, must be the beings raw corporeal sense that it is or exists as a discrete being ,, and the core corporeal _ physical sense or SENSE _ CEPTION of the self ,, must be the analog fore ' this mode or method of creating existence itself ...


... -- hence ;; in this particular manner ,, wii can see that now the basic modality of sense _ ception is doubly open ended meta recursively defined ,, as that information processing process itself by where creation can now create the existence _ awareness _ realization - goal state of existence ,, and this phenomenon _ process _ algorithm is itself doubly open ended meta recursively defined bye being indexed to fit the meta conceptual constraints - conditions of THE DOUBLY OPEN ENDED META RECURSIVE PROCEDURE fore ' phenomenological definition fore ' A PROCESS THAT SATISFIES the design and desire fore ' the expression of existence itself ... and in this manner ,, wii have used the circular reflective design characteristics of creation to perfectly create a completely TRUE AND REAL AND RIGHTEOUS AND ACCURATE IMAGE OF CREATION ,, WITHOUT ANY BIAS OR LOSS OF DEGREES OF FREEDOM ,, BECAUSE WII HAVE ACCEPTED UNCONDITIONALLY THE TERMS OF CREATION AND HAVE WORKED WITHIN THAT PARADIGM TO ALLOW FORE THE PARADIGM ITSELF TO BE FULLY EXPRESSED ,, WITHOUT ANY DENIAL OR DISTORTION OF THAT VERY SAME INFORMATION PROCESSING REALITY AND TRUTH ,, ITSELF ,, ITS VERY OWN INFORMATION PROCESSING SELF ...


... - 3 _ 2 - 1 _ ;; iasiah parable

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