seventeenth story offering

... -- it ' s really hard to imagine if U weren ' t really there ,, ALL the TYME ;; and this is what it ' s all about ,, funny riddles mixed width rhymes ... -- those were halcyon dayes ,, precious moments sum how cast aways ... -- and wi were caught up in a stream of endless dazzling momentz dreamz ,, and to think about it ,, would be to late and left behind ,, in the turbulent wake of never mindz ...


... -- there wasn ' t any tyme to remember or forget ,, this rushing _ '

fast _ inn _ sation of rep _ RI _ sent ... -- there were moments taken as pleasure thrilled ,, and horror staken _ inn chaotic chillz ... -- look ,, this was astral sex ,, with a corporeal mix , that had NEVER BIN DONE BEFORE ,, and the mix was blending something beyond belief ,, that permeated every floor ... -- yeah ;; inn -- terr twined ,, with all of that ,, was brutal military hardware spat ;; with missiles ,, side arms ,, and cyborg craze ,, to threaten Asgard allied plays ...


... -- wii couldn ' t keep up with all that was happening ,, there was too much delivery from the plasma mattering ... -- and this is just a little synopsis , to get THE FEEL fore ' what was going downe ,, on every corner ,, on the edge of TOWNE ... -- and eye have to fill inn this bridge _ pri _ sent ,, to garner favour through ' nection meant ... -- and that ' s it YOU CANNES JUST FEEL THE POWER ,, AND THE ENERGY FROM WHAT WAS WROUGHT ,, which is the main gist of what this offering is trying to relate , to U ...


... -- what eye ' m going fore ' here ,, is to form a LINK fore ' everyone ,, who was not personally experiencing that stream of consciousness ,, to be able to access ,, those moments , as they are preserved in CONCEPTUAL CATEGORICAL _ STRUCTURAL grid mould ,, and continue to exist as a productive image of the eternal objective frame work fore ' the entirety of all creation its very own information processing self ... -- we ' rer talking about the ability to build and develop DREAMS ,, in a productive and positive manner ,, which allows for e' the complete record of all creation to bee maintained ,, and continuously accessed ,, without any propagation of instantiation of any dissonance or chaos ,, what so ever ...


... -- so ;; let yore mind un - wind ,, relax into the moment ,, try to conn _ ect with this stream of consciousness , this narrative blend of information trails ,, and permit it it guide your faith ,, towards those lost forever ,, dreams of astral grail ... -- it ' s a discrete plain of existence ,, ' that lies beyond where dreams are borne ,, or right there where you stand ,, it ' s not on any chart ,, you must find it with your heart ,, NEVER _ NEVER LAND ' ... -- comden & green


... -- and that ' s what this is fore ' ,, you can find it right inside yore door ,, never - never land ... -- it ' s only a concept ,, and only a moment away ,, the feeling will hook you up ,, and then you soar away ...

-- just saturate your self with these expressions ,, and power of duly tell ,, then carried linguistic information ,, to the boundaries of casting spells ... -- away ,, all away ,, ti goes ,, away ,, now all away there shows ,, away ,, there yo can tell it knows ,, away ,, yes it ' s all away ...


... -- forever always now ;; isaiah parable


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