ninth story offering

... -- wii are at the point of continuing with the definition and empowerment fore ' the universal nomad ,, and now looking at the minimum quantity two magnetic motor units which are NOW _ TODAYE a reality to construct ,, easy to understand in operation and design ,, and accessible to repair and modify ,, wii can move on to the next facet fore ' the unionized _ guilded ,, artisan craft fore ' total free _ green _ clean command of the immediate physical environment ,, and the positive eco _ friendly pursuit ,, towardz the universal nomads doctrine ,, creed ,, and code ...


... -- the universal nomad will bee in possession of minimally two magnetic motor units ,, and as they have been described ,, will be about two inches in diameter ,, six inches long ,, weigh about four pounds each ,, and bee capable of continuous eternal power production of in excess of

300 watts ,, and 20 amperes for use ... -- the theory fore operation ,, the technical knowledge fore construction _ repair _ modification fore these units , [ i . e . magnetic ring assembly ,, inner sleeve _ outer / housing construction and field windings ,, overall power characteristics ,, and current handling ,, etc ... ] ,, and the auxiliary accessory equipment proficiency ,, will all be part of the union member ' s fundamental knowledge and art ...


... -- because of these robust and easily produced electrical empowerment ,, the universal nomad ,, now can readily make use fore ' the next three vital equipment pieces in their sustainable tool cache ,, the hydrogen _ water hydrolyizer ,, and the hydrogen _ liquefaction _ compressor ,, and storage tank  ... -- these are at this point very easy to assemble and design  equipment pieces ,, and the existing technology ,, allows fore '

the pieces to be as well small ,, and very light weight ... -- the hydrolysis unit permits the separation of water into oxygen and hydrogen ,, the compressor allows fore ' the conversion of hydrogen gas into liquid hydrogen ,, and the tank enables the storage and subsequent use fore ' the liquid hydrogen medium itself ...


... --  because wii are now talking about a large amount of electrical empowerment ,, on a completely portable _ continuous _ fully accessible basis ,, the logistics and mechanics of SAFE _ fast hydrogen separation from oxygen out of water ;; the SAFE _ liquefaction fore ' hydrogen ,, and the SAFE _ temporary / semi permanent storage of liquid hydrogen in a small spherical tanks ,, are reduced to complete triviality in their enactment and execution ...


... -- this now leads us to the next items in the list of essential sustainable life style equipment fore ' the universal nomad to posses ,, in order to obtain the right ,, and GOD ORDAINED quality of life ,, which is ,, can be ,, and will be ,, of an equal and comfortable level ,, to that fore ' any and all other humans on the planet ...


... -- the basic inalienable rights ,, fore '' ALL HUMANS ON THE PLANET ,, to be union / guild members of the free _ green _ clean patch work community for independent cooperative municipalities ,, every one can bee ,, warm enough ,, cool enough ,, dry enough ,, wet enough ,, clean enough ,, washed enough ,, clothed enough ,, roomed enough ,, and fed enough ,, and able to contribute to the overall well being of the global ecosystemic fabric ,, in a positive ,, environmentally sound ,, enjoyable ,, and enlightened manner ...


... -- the next item then ;; in this universal nomad equipment list ,, is the portable hydrogen conversion heater _ cooler _ cooker _ washer _ sanitizer ,, and there will be two of these units minimum used bye each universal nomad ,, fore ' their own quality of life ,, and good will ...

-- the units are to be constructed in pieces out of easily accessible and producible durable ceramic material ,, are light weight ,, roughly fashioned like large  pots _ basins ,, are water tight ,, heat _ cold resistant ,, chemical non stick ,, and easily maintained ...


... -- the pots _ basins are thusly fitted with an array of nozzles ,, which allow fore ' the disperstion of liquid hydrogen from the storage tanks , [ there will perhaps be a minimum of four small tanks in the equipment cache ] ,, and fore ' the calculated combination with oxygen ,, and with or without combustion ,, to create heat ,, cold ,, water ,, mist _ steam ,, fore immediate environmental heating _ cooling _ cooking _ cloth / personal washing _ personal hygiene _ excrement incineration ,, and the like ...


... -- the suggestion here is to have a separate or third pot _ basin unit which is assembled ,, and which is specifically fore ' the incineration of excrement ... -- the technology has been around fore ' decades ,, and it is easy to design a squat basin which can catch excrement  ,, and then incinerate it in a very fast ,, efficient ,, environmentally green manner ,, which can then be left behind at any site as biodegradable odorless ash ,, or utilized as fertilizer when feasible and desired ...


... -- forever always now ; isaiah parable

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