nineteenth story offering

... -- back to magnetic field resonance ,, and wii are now looking at the theoretical underpinnings fore ' magnetic field structure ,, and the first question is ,, how does this concept fit into the framework of generalized oscillating field structure ,, geometrically ,, and topologically ??? -- and the answer is ,, U need to look at how oscillating waves of converting sub atomic field potential ,, are converted ,, INVERTED ,, INTO ATOMIC FIELD KINETIC STRUCTURE ,, AS THAT POTENTIAL CROSSES OVER THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN POTENTIAL _ ASTRAL _ POSSIBILITY ,, AND KINETIC _ CORPOREAL _ CERTAINTY ...


... -- what wii are looking at here is a tri _ dimensional folded lapping interface ,, where potential _ wave converts to kinetic _ wave ,, astral _ plain _ plane converts to corporeal _ plain _ plane ,, and possible _ event converts to certain _ event ,, in massive - exact - synchronized parallel _ monotonically mapped ,, linear _ sequential _ frame expention ... -- and if this wasn ' t complicated enough ,, there is the generalized dimensional roll out ,, tri _ relational coordinate furl of how _ where _ when ,, which then unfolds out into a tri coordinate vector of mapping triplet values ,, separately and discretely fore ' each separate dimension ,, itself ,, [ how - [ x , y , z ] , where - [ x , y , z ] . when - [ x , y , z ] ...


... -- in generalized information processing overview _ perspective then ,, wii end up with an oscillating phenomenon ,, of overall value assignment ,, as a meta _ meta _ meta algorithm ,, based on the general division ,, in ABSOLUTE COMMONLY SHARED CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ,, between and within ALL OF THESE included aggregate function - operation nodes ,, to get an UNFOLDING OSCILLATING WAVE ,, which itself contains and satisfies the entire RANGE - GRADIENT OF totally mapped and GRAND MEAN AVERAGED FIELD VALUE SIGNIFICANCE ...


... -- this would be the entire grand mean of ALL OSCILLATING FIELD ACTIVITY _ structure ,, as it recursively crosses over from the one _ composite _ conceptual _ dialectic field domain ,, to the other one _ composite _ conceptual _ dialectic field range in total conceptual sequential mapping value assignment monotonic display ... -- in this sense ,, magnetic field structure itself ,, now appears as a sub section ,, continuum _ gradient _ sub _ section ,, where the domain _ range in _ out values ,, fore '' all of the included sub functions described above ,, produce an over all structure as escaping vectors in ' n ' dimensional space ,, which has the tangible oscillating field characteristics of a traditional magnetic field array ...


... -- the next interesting question to ask is ;; well what about these specific design field characteristics ,, and how do they relate to the rest of the structural oscillating wavelength field structure continuum phenomenon on that universally defined and described environment ??? -- magnetic field structure has some very interesting qualities ,, which identify it as a very idiomatically and categorically accessible and meta operational structure ,, in and of itself ,, in its own information processing right ... -- in other words ,, there are aspects _ qualities _ characteristics to the magnetic field structure ,, which are commonly shared with other universal range _ gradient _ tangible field structures ,, and which themselves ,, play an overall fundamental - supportive ,, and intrinsic role ,, in the generalized manifestation and enactment ,, fore '

the entire offering of that same total frequency presentation ,, itself ...


... -- what does this mean ?? ,, this means that in a folded meta - meta contextual sense ,, the characteristics of a magnetic field RESEMBLE THE GENERALIZED FIELD CHARACTERISTICS FORE '' PRACTICALLY ALL OTHER FIELD STRUCTURES OF THE ENTIRE CORPOREAL REALM ITSELF ... and one of the most interesting tangible examples fore ' this meta logical truth ,, is that the magnetic field has a FIXED _ OSCILLATING field at the same time ,, which is SOLID _ SPATIAL at the same time ,, and which is both and NEITHER positive and negative in polarity ,, ALSO AT THE SAME TIME ...


... -- this is the basic overview and gloss on this issue ,, wii need to next tyem look a little more closely at some of the more detailed aspects fore ' & of this particular field structure as beheld ...


... -- forever always now ;; isaiah parable



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