fourteenth story offering

... -- as a unit of finitely bounded infinitely large and dense energy / consciousness ,, THE MOMENT is ,, well it JUST IZZ ... -- and you have to ask yore self ,, mye O mye ;; how cannes this real _ EE all bee ??? -- and U have two admit ,, the data ;; hard empirical data on everything wii know about black holes and quasars fitz perfectly into ALL of the dats on sub atomic field structure ,, ,, -- IF wii simply divide that particle field data into _ two expended halves of data in real elapsed laboratory witnessing tyme ;; the first _ antecedent data half of sub atomic particle field formation corresponds to ALL activity surrounding black holes in space in corresponding adjusted galactic progressive tyme IN REVERSE ,, and the second _ consequent data half of sub atomic field decay corresponds to ALL activity surrounding quasars in space in corresponding adjusted galactic progressive tyme IN REVERSE ... ... -- in this sense ,, the beginning and end of the universe occurs inn EACH AND EVERY MOMENT ,, FROM THE UNFOLDING OF SUB ATOMIC STRUCTURE ACROSS THE SUB ATOMIC - ATOMIC FIELD DIVIDE ,, inn massive parallel in concert with the flow _ folding of space / matter / energy into black holes ,, and the emitting _ unfolding of space / matter / energy from the inside of quasars ... -- this is an identical process ,, and is happening AT THE SAYME TYME ,, JUST FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE OF EXPENDED UNIVERSAL DOMAIN ... ... -- similarly ;; ALL of this total _ divided _ dialectic _ data field ,, can be separated out into the progression / formation fore ' the entire set of field foldz ,, which comprise the totality of folded field structure ,, which itself corresponds to the periodic table of elementz ,, as the complete structure fore '' all matter itself ... --- the entire scheme fore ' the dimensional placement of protons _ electrons ,, and neutron inverse _ double inverse folds ,, as an overall map towards complete elemental sequence _ positioning _ structure _ phase / angle of vector fold trajectory ,, is as well the COMPLETE MAP FORE ' THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE COMPOSITION _ LOCATION _ MOTION ,, along with its INCLUDED FULL _ FILLING DARK MATTER _ GRAVITY _ RADITY ENERGY COUNTER PART ... ... -- the answer is ;; of course ;; that ' THE MOMENT ' IS ALL OF THESE THINGS AT ONCE ,, it IS ; infinitely many objects as a single object ;; infinitely large and small ;; infinitely far and near ;; infinitely open and bounded ;; infinitely gravitational and radiational ;; ALL AT ONCE ;; ALL AT ONE SINGLE TYME ;; TOGETHER ... ... -- remember ;; space is curved ,, so there is constant acceleration ;; and that means that two dimensions [ in the conventional sense of a cartesian spread ] are continuously collapsed into a single dimension of velocity ,, which is impossible ;; AND WHICH IS HAPPENING ALL OF THE TYME ... gravity is the underlying sub atomic field structure which which attracts OR permits _ induces _ creates [ depending on yore paradigm ] radity ,, which itself ,, is the generalized category fore ' ENERGY ,, inn the conventional corporeal sense of the phrase / phase ... ... -- and two think ;; this ALL AS WELL GOEZ HAND INN HAND WITH THE ENERGETIC FIELD POTENTIAL _ KINETIC OF INTENTIONS _ EXTENTIONS ,, THOUGHTS / FEELINGS ,, DESIGNS / AGENDAS ,, DESIRES / DREAMZ ,, INN INFORMATIONAL PROCESSING EXPENDED _ SPACE ... -- as a matter of fact ;; the mosaic of eternal matter FORE ' THAT MATTER ;; IS AS ONLY CORPOREAL ,, IN REALITY ,, AS THE PARADIGMS AND BELIEF SYSTEMS ,, WHICH CONCEPTUALLY HOLD _ DEFINE _ DECLARE _ AND PORTRAY ,, THAT VERY SAME ESSENCE FORE ' ALL ETERNITY ITS VERY OWN INFORMATION PROCESSING SELF ... ... -- forever always now ; isaiah parable

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