forty sixth degree entering

. . . - - and wii can goe on from hear ; ; and now see that o . k . , , wii have a few goode reasons inn order to substantiate the use of & fore ' the dimensional _ modal scheme – schema fore ' recursively defining and de _ scribing , , sub – sequent topics – lairs _ levels fore information processing regime , , BECAUSE IT IS TOTALLY CONSISTANT WITH THE OVERALL MANNER IN WHICH CREATION DOEZ ITS THANG , , ON EVERY LEVEL , , AND EVERY TYME . . . - - thin k about it , , wii now have a decision procedure which is so powerful and so accurate , , that it can PREDICT WITH TOTAL CONSISTENTCY what ever design _ desire _ denotation – definition – dream , , wii wUant to get involved inn , , and do it in real tyme , , linear sequential expended locational waye , , topical derived regional fare , , meAt defined dimensional & modal interactive strategies , , and over inclusive meta _ meta – meta _ strategic goal stack array . . .


. . . - - and WHAT cannes oui saye ? ? ? - - eye mean , , this is a super _ lah – tive buzz here people – animals _ plants – INANIMATE CONSCIOUSNESS , , [ and don ' t think fore ' a moment that all of these BANDS OF CONSCIOUSNESS AREN ' T FULLY PARTICIPATING IN THIS COLLECTIVE – COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION WRITE NOW ; ; ; ] , , there _ then , , letz look at these universal grammatical sub processes hear , , and meta apply the dimensional vectors of expression inn a folded sense , , to deepen the channel fore ' ' concrete realization , , sow wii can fathom the current stream of awareness flow , , AND BOUY , , WON ; T THAT BE GLAD TIDE _ ANGS . . .


. . . - - and this is exactly how powerful and expressive paradigms are made , , which then in turn allow fore ' the powerful and true creation / expression fore ' ' those eventual line _ strip – code _ vector trajectories cased and chased with syntactic _ semantic ratio realization doubly wrapped and realizing continuum dance . . . - - just allow fore ' all of the aspect / phases / phrases , , of expression to be meta proofingly open and free _ doubly meta recursively defined , , and INSPIRATION WILL COME , , GREAT RESULTS WILL OCCUR , , WHEN ALL OF THE POTENTIAL IS ALLOWED TO EXPRESS ITSELF WITHIN THE MOMENT , , EVERYTHING WILL BE CAUGHT , , AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU USE WILL BECKON SERENDIPITY TO COME ALONG YORE WAYE . . .


. . . - - and again , , it never is wrong to always use the modalities and dimensions as the fundamental index fore ' the topical ' world ' selection is two be ; ; ' cause ' ' these paradigms have ALREADY BIN DOUBLY META PROOFINGLY DESIGNED , , AND ARE TOTALLY CONSISTENT WITH THE OVERALL PROCESSING CHARACTERISTICS FORE ' ALL _ A CREATION ITSELF , , ALWAYS , , and are consistent with the on line real tyme evaluation _ execution agenda , , that is utilized no matter what anyways , , wayz . . . - - then existence , , the outR level for e ' generalized universal grammatical information processing , , and if there is a ' thing ' O ' being ' O ' scene ' O ' structure ' , , which is realizing what it is doing as a discrete process , , where bye over all events maye be created and brought into existence , , ALONG ALL SIX DIMENSIONS AND ALL SIX MODALITIES FORE ' UNIVERSAL CREATION ITSELF , , COMING INTO EXISTENCE AND BEE _ ANG , , then letz re apply each dimension ON – INN _ TWO this folded space to get a little bit more resolution and dance floor place fore ' the overall grouping of an eventual bounding of phase / phrase delight . . .


. . . - - then letz look at this picture through the lens of a conscious realizing object , , that is striving to realize sum thing _ any thing & EVERYTHING about realization itself , , AND IN THIS SNESE THE DESIRE OR STRATEGICAL NEED OR AGENDA FORE ' FULL – MEANT , , as that is applied to the procedure and activity of grouping phases / phrases together at an eventual boundary horizon , , makes the over all dimensional design of WHY as the first and most basic meta bounding defining characteristic , , which wii can describe and look up – on in our paradigmatic parley here . . . - - let ' s call the first boundary condition fore this being ' s meta eventual universal grammatical information quest _ endeavor , , as a folded WHY PHASE _ PHRASE OR ALGEBRA _ FIER , , on behalf of the fact that it is the overall desire fore ' realizing the desire to realize , , which is feeding and fueling this whole entire thang . . .


. . . - - and if wii now continue with this meta processing scenario , , and if U were a creatonal object and you already had this WHY dimensional boundary condition , , and were seeking phases / phrases to realize within that categorically defined boundary , , U might want to now , , OR HAVE THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCATION OR WHERE THOSE PHASES / PRASES MIGHT POTENTIALLY BEE , , o . k . , , eye can see how this can fill out to be a consistent paradigmatic blueprint fore ' ' getting another fold of consciousness , , fore ' & from which to build another layer point of information processing utility . . .


. . . - - and ii can see that wii need to have sum thing in order to accomplish hour & mye quest , , so that wii can exist , , and have an existence fore ' & from which to operate and create this pleasant little drama / act / scene , , that ii – OUI _ ALL can staRR iNN . . . - - and in that sense , , it doesn ' t really matter what the design characteristics are going INN , , as long as all of the potential is allow ING expression and exhausted completely , , then what ever ii get in relation to the possibility fore ' created creation , , that brings in every curve _ A – ture fore ' bringing inn whenz , , ii ' mm goode too goe , , don ' t U know . . . - - therefore , , eye ' m think ing about WHERE these potentially eventful phases / phrases are in terms of sum processing SPACE OR LOCATION , , AS A DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF MYE BURNING DESIRE TO BEE , , so let ' z call this next boundary condition fore existence as defined bye the dimension of WHERE , , and give it the mEat / neat lexical label of quant _ algebra _ fier , , INDEEED . . .


. . . - - and it goes on FROM / form hear , , and mye ally is NOW telling mii that eye / wii need to give this train of logic a station brake _ break , , so that it can breath , , and that the MOMENT CAN HAVE ALL _ A the processing expended – location – ALL grace that it izz asking fore ' ' , , in order to complete the overall design fore ' ' universal categorical optimal creation fore ' universal grammatical ovation – curtain _ call . . .


. . . - - un – till the furrow _ ANG tyme , , Azzz all WAYZ ; ;


. . . – forever always now ; ; isaiah parable

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