forty seventh degree entering

. . . - - and then there rite there then ; ; wii can saye that there well there that sayes it ALL ; ; doesn ' t it NOW ; ; AND HOW . . . - - AND WOW , , let ' s gaze up _ on this meta eventuality processing event , , ' ware wii are putting together dimensional sub processing inn such A – waye sow as two construct a meta event _ U – ALL _ it – TEE , , where bye any & ALL _ OBJECTZ maye realize the potential fore ' realizing , , [ AND THIS GETS REALLY INTERESTING WHEN / WIND WII TURN HOUR ATTENTION TO INAMINATE CONSCIOUSNESS , , and realize hour selves that this is in _ deed the exact same process – pro - ceeee _ dure , , that inanimate consciousness utilizes to create itself , , as the kinetic forces – structure fore ' GRAVITY & RADITIY , , WHICH THEM SELVES ARE RESPONSIBLE FORE ' THE pro – duct _ tion of atomic – molecular mosaics , , yang up thru galactic structure , , and to that ying called the torus , , which itself creates itself bye inverting a sphere inside out SUB ATOMIC FIELD FROM OUTSIDE INN and on thru , , as was described in one of those papers about fragmentz & oscillations & universal wavelengths & sum ying yang on the subject fore ' that sort , , with & out a TAO _ T FOREVER ALWAYS TAO . . .


. . . - - there then now ; ; existence as a meta event realizing event , , and all eternity objecting to the pro – ceedings , as the matter subjected to this eventual eventful eventually tweaking , , so everything is an object hear that is subject to the eventual meta process of realizing itself in any & every waye that it possibly cannes , , wham , , and U gotta have faith , , bye george , , and bye now one wood counter sink there case meant and knot get screwed bye the ' boyz at MTV ' , , cause hii was goode , , and they were knot , , itz as plane azzz dat sandy . , , and EE _ nuff of yore tacky re – marks ORE ' II ' LL nail U . . . - - there four ; ; width awl due cutting remarks aside , , wii will look at hour selves having a general phase / phrase boundary of WHY [ algebra _ fier ]wii seeking phases / phrases , , and a WHERE [ quant _ algebra _ fier ] to bee able to exactly look fore ' these / this phase / phrase group / event bounding , , and that means that now wii can try to get an idea of WHAT these phases / phrases are going to look like and be in their initial appearance and desired design , , in meta phase – all phrase – all linguistic terms , , as an INVERSE ALGABR _ FIER , , AT A GLANCE . . .


. . . - - so this is the folded dimension fore ' WHAT THIS GROUP OF PHASES / PHRASES ARE / IS GOING TO APPEAR AS , , and as wii continue to do the realization dance , , wii are now subject to the situation / procedure / process of realization itself , ,and are need ing to have a timing or sequence fore ' realization ore ' a dimensional WHEN , , fore the realization itself as an ongoing meta process fore lining up phases / phrases to realize and WHEN wii do that exactly enough , , wii can meta define _ create the QUANT _ IFIER meta objective paradigmatic garb / mantel , , to allows us a vested interest in our interesting entering de – light hour selves . . .


. . . - - and NOW ; ; as wii are merrily processing along here , , observing consistent _ lee consistency , , and utilizing the six basic dimensions to en - act or create a scene / scen _ A - rio as a meta structure & a meta process , , that is consistently NOW looking at HOW wii exist in doing this existence twist _ and check this out chubby , , do the twist isst that in this sense the ' HOW ' fore identifying our existence ITSLEF , , IS LIKE THE PORPERTY VALUE IDENTIFICATION FORE ' DEFINING OURSELVES AS ' THANGS ' IN THE UNIVERSAL PORCESSING SCHEME , , so FORE ' THIS PARTICULAR PARADIGM , , [ remember that wii are always constrained bye our paradigm ] , , this defines a QUAL _ IFIER META STRUCTURAL PHASE / PHRASE fore identifying ' personal ' ' thing ' property value assignments , , which in the linguistic vernacular is associated with an ADJECTIVAL PHRASE META STRUCTURE ITSELF , , ON TH E FOLD ALL TOLD . . .


. . . - - but in this paradigmatic scenario , , wii are using the folded dimension fore ' HOW ' to describe the activity fore ' property value assignment fore ' ourselves as objects , , WHO THEM SLEVES are seeking property value identification , , as a waye fore ' realizing that wii exist , , as property value laden universal objects , , in the subjective universal grammatical cast up – on part _ ang prance . . . - - that / which / that / which brings us to the next dimension assignment clarification _ definition _ fore ' WHO is engaged in this particular meta processing fair _ far _ lee played , , wii are , , as STATE _ IFIER meta phase / phrase bounded status , , of WHO inn the dimensional perspective , , happens to be doing ALL _ a this themselves hour waye sow it seams and dreams . . .


. . . - - and if this isn ' t enough already there is this double folded sense fore ' event U ALL eventful development , , where the initial setting , , meta subject or meta informational background is defined itself as our agenda and meta conceptual alignment of our quest & nature & purpose fore ' realizing all of these phases / phrases of desirable decent design , , AND THEN THERE IS THE ACTUAL ' REAL EVENT TYEM OCCURRENCE FORE ' THE ACTUAL REALIZATION ITSELF . . . - - BUT FIRST , , let ' s stick in a little more opportunity to spice things up a little bit because its not enough to know that eventfully speaking ' shelia left quickly ' , , wii want to get as much information inn that event bye waye of inserting a ' HOW _ WHEN ' COMPOSITE DIMENSIONAL PHASE / PHRASE , , which tags on information about the pre activity ' thing defining status ' , , as ' sheila in a mood left quickly ' , , or sheila ' s black shoes left quickly , , ah yeah , , that ' s it . . .


. . . - - and that ' s what wii can now define a s a QUANT _ QUAL _ IFIER PHASE / PHRASE , , which leaves the actual acting activity of the real realization of the now totally grouped event – U _ all phase / phrase structure with the composite dimension identification meta portray _ ALL of ' HOW _ WHO ' AND CALL THE INCLUDED META DEFINITIONAL PHASE / PHRASE an ACTI _ IFIER , , finally , , DONE ; ; in every sense of the word , , and waye . . .


. . . - - forever always TAO ; ; isaiah parable

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