forty second story offering

. . . - - thus ; ; letz pop topic hear , , fore ' a while , , and think about how a single structure is going TO ITSELF GOE ABOUT THE process of processing this very same information content , , that ITSELF , , IS ABOUT THE META PROCESSING FORE ' INFORMATION CONTENT , , AS A PROCESS . . . - - U C wynn you have an object which is meta aware and realizing is what brings that object into existence , , then ALL _ A THE PHASES FORE / AND OF that realization process THEMSELVES are what wii are defining and looking at to get an idea of what it is wii R _ & ARE look _ king at objectively speaking . . .


. . . - - and Eye know that ye have wonce again a completely different perspective NOW as ii pass before ' yore information processing II '' SS , , this tyme , , butte now revealed to U as this phase fore ' the over all process , , and IMAGINED IN THIS FASHION & MANNER , , NOW . . . - - as a discrete ' structure ' - ' object ' - ' entity ' - ' thing ' , , creation now inn a meta perspective _ paradigmatic mould , , needs to have a means OR method ORE procedure OAR algorithm , , FROM AND FORE ' WHICH TO ACCOMPLISH THIS desirable design . . . - - and in meta proofingly logically consistent doubly open ended executable cast , , wii can fold the dimensional paradigmatic angle , , and remain consistent , , cohesive , , conducive transparent WHENZ

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. . . - - in other wordz , , this structure of creation needs to have an over all comprehensive approach to creating itself as and through existence , , which brings together all of the meta _ structural – meta physical operational functional aspects , , that themselves have already been open ended doubly recursively meta proofingly described , , as that maye of meta accomplishing that very same process indeed . . . - - and now taking this to the next level of existence and meta creational examination , , so that the process of creation WILL HAVE A NEXT LEVEL OF EXISTENCE AND TANGIBLE META RELFECTION CREATED , , let ' s make use of the six basic dimensions fore ' information processing , , because they have already bin defined and created , , in meta structural termz , , in modality processing terms , , in pure functional terms , , and inn vector trajectory terms , , as well , , doe tell . . .


. . . - - and you can see , , that azzzzzzzz wiiiiiiii goooooooo , , there is this meta foldingly recursive _ reflective , , topical wrapping and deepening , , which itself now gives rise to a more complex and robust phenomenon fore ' ever inn – creasing dis _ plays of information contextual delight . . . o . k . , , now different generalized aspects fore ' the collective and total process of structural and personal realization of consciousness as that process itself is evaluated and executed through the six modalities , , and over the six dimensions fore ' creational sway . . . - - then concentrating on the dimensions themselves as processing vectors fore ' flow and fancy , , let ' s imagine these assembled / assembling dimensions as collected SUB PROCESSES , , THAT NOW need to be synthesized together into a larger totality of coordinated comprehensive structural pattern array . . .


. . . - - and then inn meta proofingly faithful revere , , this over all structure as well as these gathering sub processes , , AS WELL AS THE GATHERED INFORMAITON CONTENT _ LINES – CHAINS _ EVENT – REALIZATION _ GRADIENTS THEMSELVES , , need to exist , , and inn folded di – meant _ ' tion _ ALL terms , , the existence in the core sense of the concept , , can be defined meta _ dimensionally through the dimensions of ' WHAT ' & ' WHO ' . . . - - let ' s call this won when inn & then say , , o . k . , , this is the first OR most basic ORE initial OAR OUTER LEVEL of information processing , , WITH RE _ GARDS TO THIS PARTICULAR PARADIGM , , which wii are negotiating at this particular moment ware wii R tyne . . .


. . . - - that is and waz the outer of / fore ' UNIVERSAL GRAMMATICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING , , and wonce wii have established the existential field condition , , then wii need to have sum manner / Wayz & Meanz / for ' committing to bringing together all of these sub processes and they “ re assorted stringz , , linz , , chainz , , lexical item _ event realization code , , and this means that wii need to be able to collect these pieces _ parts together and be able to make any productive exchange or creation of information , , because there is no flow of information resolution content , , and inn that basic – fundamental abstract sense , , ALL CREATION AND THE UNIVERSE IS PRINCIPLY MONOTONIC AND CAUSAL IN NATURE , , BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS SUM THING , , AND THEN THERE IS ALWAYS SUM THING FLOWING TO MAKE SUM THING ELSE , , ALWAYS . . .


. . . - - to be continued : : :


. . . - - forever always now ; ; isaiah parable

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