fifty third degree entering


. . . - - write ; ; improvisational free stream of consciousness , , serving THE MOMENT , , and catering to the most optimal desired & meta recursively defined event _ U _ ALL needs fore ' creation itself . . .


. . . - - modified list / narrative – narrative presentation format , , and keeping in mynde the RELATIVE self reflective footing & floor position , , topical event agenda de _ scription , , as it comes to pass . . .


. . . - - then middle level UG information processing , , and CAUSALITY in that syntactic / semantic realization ratio , , where wi R aware of this two dimensional reel tyem consciousness to interpret three dimensional constructed situations . . .


. . . - - the algebra _ fier phrase is a discrete unit of conceptual consciousness , , which defines and CLOSES OUT – ON a selected event boundary condition , , formulating a two dimensional possibility feed , , with three dimension conceptual event realization . . .


. . . - - then , , fore ' the ACTUAL CONCEPTUAL CONTENT FORE ' THAT SITUATION IN MYNDE , , there is the manipulation of eventful information content , , WITHIN THE CONCEPTUAL EVENT ITSELF . . .


. . . - - sow ; ; algebra _ fier phrases are event initial & event final , , and serve to create meta possible linkages to other event / topic structures , , and allow closure on the selected event in focus . . .


. . . - - in addition , , algebra _ fiers function to have a direct ABSTRACT SYMBOLIC effect on the conceptual event which they are bringing together fore ' possible certain realization to occur . . .


. . . - - then let ' s look at the algebra _ fier phrase shell , , at the middle level fore ' the same selected event potential realization , , and see that there is a middle level and INNER LEVEL processing reality which occurs . . .


. . . - - the inner level fore ' UG event creation brings into focus the proportional property particulars of event existence , , and which maye be seen as a deeper reflected consequence , , of the middle level furl . . .


. . . - - as an intro - duction into inner level information processing , , it is fore property relation within any selected phrase , , so these relations ' tag along ' with the middle level information processing agenda , , and are really ' pure semantix ' created , , with very little syntactic processing required . . .


. . . - - and the meat – meta process fore ' selecting the possible dimension or dimensions fore ' folding into & defining the algebra _ firer phrase , , has already recursively been defined . . .


. . . - - wii used straight induction based on the double open ended recursion protocol / algorithm , , based itself on the operational characteristics fore ' event bounding / maintenance and inter event description itself . . .


. . . - - hence ; ; this is an application fore ' the dimension of WHY , , in all of itz meta level and strategic syntactical / semantical deployment & array , , cast & furl


. . . - - a few examples of symbolic lexical items , , that are cast as outer _ middle _ inner event phrase SHELL CASINGS , , fore ' information realization activity . . .


. . . - - these are the abstract symbolic manifestation fore the embedded & embodied multi UG level – layers for interpretation as they REALLY EXIST . . .




. . . - - conventional linguistics talks about ' transformations ' that lexical item strings ' under go ' , , or are submitted to , , which renders out different aspects fore ' the compiled and aggregate meaning frame . . .


. . . - - but these transformations are still native language sensitive and the ' deep structure ' never gets deep enough to be true UG structure as the conventional paradigm is explained . . .


. . . - - and now wii are playing around with two REALLY HEAVY DUTY THEMES , , AND eye have a whole bunch of linguists who want to see verification , , in clean clear waye which supports mye presented position , , and refutes the conventional notion as well . . .


. . . - - and in a meta strategical academic arena fore ' paradigm jousting & protocol ; ; THIS IS HOW THE GAME IZZZ PLAYED . . .


to be continued ; ;


. . . - - forever always TAO ; ; isaiah parable

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