fifty fourth degree entering


. . . - - what ' s yore paradigm , , what ' s yore agenda , , per meta stacked conceptual strategic meta goal stack _ ING momentz , , which them selves STILL & ALWAYS IN PARALLEL sub scribe to the six basic dimensions & six modalities ALL FOLD & ALL TOLD . . .


. . . - - NOW then , , HEAR & TAO whenz ; ; that ' s WHY the same conceptual symbolic cast of agenda gathering creational WAYE pulls in the SAME COMPLETELY NEW & DIFFERENT MOMENTAIL par _ mell laye . . .


. . . - - and wii were talking about this tyme , , in reel tyme that algebra _ fier weight_ ING chance , , possible conversion to certainty DANCE . . .


. . . - - which bringz mii to the steppes of deepe structure fore UG ' mit , , one structure at the bottom , , fore ' innate grammar fit . . .


. . . - - eye think that the position fore ' every one having the same universal system fore ' generating abstract language based on any child learning perfectly any language any where regardless of ethnic background , , is absolute justification fore ' a UG deep structure personally shared position . . .


. . . - - bye definition , , ALL native languages have the same ultimate abstract symbolic expressive power , , albeit in different surface information processing styles , , where any concept ultimately maye be created / transmitted / received & stored to the same level of effectiveness , , NO MATTER WHAT . . .


. . . - - and any child equally learning perfectly any native language , , which is by definition , , the MOST POWERFUL ABSTRACT ABILITY which anyone could ever have , , is BOTH an absolute confirmation of ALL NATIVE LANGUAGE ' S EQUAL PROCESSING POWER , , AS WELL AS THE ABSOLUTE REJECTION FOREVER FORE ' ANY CLAIM OF WHITE SUPREMECY ELITIST – RACIST – FASCIST BULLSHIT WASTE . . .


. . . - - then surface structure can bee any & all object languages , , which is itself , , meta defined bye HAVING THE EXACT SAME BASIC NUMBER / AND CATEGORICALLY DEFINED FUNCTIONAL PARAMETR BOUNDINGS , , and it ' s own language specific INDIVIDUAL & GROUP PARAMETER SETTINGS . . .


. . . - - in this sense the different phrase / shell lexically cased information processing LEVELS fore ' phases / phrases , , maye be analogous to the different kinds of two dimensional coherence and three dimensional cohesive structuring , , which is otherwise described in terms of grammatical / structural ' transformations . . .


. . . - - in overall terms , , when wii utilize the model fore UG as it is meta strategically vectored and agended , , in this meta goal stack _ ING list : :


a ) setting – plot [ climax ] – coda ; ;


b ) meta event formulation / ACTUAL CONCEPTUAL EVENT FORMULATION ; ;


c ) meta & actual event connection with other event phase / phrase TOPICAL & STRUCTURAL  information ; ;


d ) conversion between two dimensional & three dimensional information processing ; ;


e ) definition and conversion between certain possibility , , possible certainty , , and certain certainty ; ;


f ) vector itinerary & trajectory SCOPE relating two / to / too the different folded dimensional processing levels fore syntactic / semantic generated interpretation ; ;


; ; ; the UG information processing layout and design , , becomes very functional , , very expressive , , very executable , , AND VERY CLEAR . . .


. . . - - and all of these vectors are departing from their origin source to reach their completion vanishing points of existential creation , , fore ' ' that ETERNALLY EXPRESSIVE META COMPOSITE agenda which wii fond _ lee call hour own . . .


. . . - - alright . . . - - a few concrete lexically cased and shelled examples fore us to open ende and unpack . . .


. . . - - eye used to call these lexical functors ' logical connectors , , because of their LOGICAL SYSTEMIC COMPUTATIONAL MANNER fore ' handling event formulae information packets . . .


. . . - - how a ' bout the lexical item ' and ' ? ? ? a quick gloss which focuses on BOTH THE MANNER FORE ' HANDLING TWO DIMENSIONAL META STRUCTURE AS WELL AS THREE DIMENSIONAL ACTUAL EVENT CONTENT , , is to use the mathematical equivalent fore ' ' + ' to group and relate information structures . . .


. . . - - the lexical item ' or ' is pretty much the same type of functor , , add eye might add that the outer level for ' meta structural event linking , , the middle level fore ' meta event groupings & actual event realization , , and the inner event level of detailed content description , , is all about the same fore both of these algebra _ fier instances . . .


. . . - - this itself sits in contrast to other algebra _ fier lexical item - operator _ functors , , such as the lexical symbolic shell level casings fore ' the item – examples of ' however ' , , ' whether ' , , ' hence ' or ' incidentally ' . . .


. . . - - more next tyme ; ;


. . . - - forever always now ; ; isaiah parable

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