fifty fifth degree entering

. . . . - - let ' s look at a few of the generalized UG parameters fore ' english , , and realize that this information fits neatly into hour doubly open ended recursive meta proofing procedure as well as ree _ inn – forcing that same basic idea itself . . .


. . . - - wii are focusing inn on how wii use awareness in reel and meta strategic topical meta narrative practice , , to maintain an active / passive – possible / certain – PRESENTATION / REPRESENTATION -- two dimensional / three dimensional – actual conceptual event / meta conceptual & structural event – PROCESSING RATIO , , PER REFLECTED & REALIZED EACH AND ALL META AGENDA LINEAR SEQUENTIAL MOMENTIAL STREAM SEGMENTZ . . .


. . . - - then ; ; in reel meta linear sequential producing expended tyme frame , , wii are decoding this very string of symbolic lexical abstract shell concrete cast items , , and generating / producing / creating , , an active two & three dimensional representation , , PER INNER LEVEL UNIT PARTIAL PHRASE , , PER MIDDLE LEVEL UNIT PHRASE , PER MIDDLE LEVEL UNIT PHRASE GROUP / CHAIN , , PER MIDDLE LEVEL UNIT SINGLE EVENT GROUP , , PER MIDDLE LEVEL UNIT MULTIPLE EVENT GROUP , , PER OUTER LEVEL META EVENT GROUP , , INN MASSIVE PARALLEL DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING , , IN REEL TYEM . . .


. . . - - and all ways at the same tyme , , on every level of topically indexed interpretation wii are constructing complete events , , no matter what the topic OR agenda , , OR meta processing structure might bee as it creates itself & creates us , , and wii meta reflect on that creative process ALL _ A da tyme . . .


. . . - - it is always a pattern of constant creation fore the establishment of ' initial setting & meta contextual topical connections , , plot development with implied main actor _ ess , , climax realization certain possibility conversion , , complete event closure , , & meta event coda analysis and linkage . . .


. . . english is an ideal object language for UG understanding , , because it is the easiest language to see the bit bye bit _ moment bye moment , , syntactic / semantic ratio conversion to generated existence , , bye sub phrase , , bye phrase , , & bye event . . .


. . . - - in this sense english is the most direct and simplest native language , , because its main socially developed surface structure agenda , , IS ITSELF evolved , , TO HANDLE AND WORK WITH AGENDAS THEMSELVES IN THE SPECIFIC MODE FORE REACHING STRATEGIC GOAL STATE CONDITIONS . . .


. . . - - this very direct meta link between how two & three dimensional on line syntactical and situational semantical processing happens directly in a meta linear sequential positioning OF THOSE LEXICAL SYMBOLIC ITEMS THEMSELVES , , AND WII CAN GET CLEAN INNER PHRASE _ PHRASE _ PHRASE GROUP _ AND EVENT linear monotonic conversion & correlation , , in the same waye that it happens in reel linear sequential two dimensional symbolic string processing procedure itself . . .


. . . - - this is because english gives an enormous amount of event processing weight to the sequence of BOUNDED LEXICAL ITEMS AT THE WORD LEVEL , , and makes lexical item WORD ORDER , , THE TOP PRIORITY TOWARDS MEANINGFUL EVENT COMPLETION . . .




. . . - - the one main benefit of english , , is that it is a DIRECT ON LYNE LINEAR SEQUENTIAL EXAMPLE , , FORE THE ACTUAL META ON LINE ALGORITHM FORE ' ' GENERATING _ CREATING EVENT SCENE CLOSURE , , inn terms of actual string placement fore ' ' symbolic lexically shelled & cased item array . . .


. . . - - furthermore ; ; what is a great inductive defining exercise , , is to determine what particular situational _ environmental creation _ information processing application is optimal fore ' each native language itself , , & WHY , , as a great way to inductively understand WHY EACH NATIVE LANGUAGE EVOLVED WITH ITS own unique & meta procedurally selected LANGUAGE SPECIFIC UG SURFACE PARAMETER SETTINGS . . .


. . . - - U SEE ; ; this is the evolution fore ' consciousness , , and each native language evolved its surface parameter settings , , AS A DIRECT RESPONSE TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD CONDITIONS that THAT certain native group of language wielding persons were submerged inn , , which itself meta recursively developed TO OPTIMALIZE THOSE SAME SURFACE SETTING PARAMETERS THAT RECURSIVESLY DEFINE THAT inn turn , , DEFINE THE NATIVE LANGUAGE OF INTEREST INN THE FIRST PLACE . . .


. . . - - this is the same exact meta reflective doubly open ended recursive proofing protocol , , which is responsible fore ' the strategic development of language , , the evolution fore ' ' surface native language parameter settings , , template fore ' the generalized evolution fore corporeal life forms , , and universal grammatical analogue fore the absolute evolution of all existence , , forever always TAO . . .


. . . - - SOW U SEA ; ; when you run a world wide meta inductive analysis on determining the correlation between native language surface parameter settings & optimal situational / environmental applications , , wii begin the reveal the TRUE NATURE FORE ' UG STRUCTURE , , the real workings fore ' the evolution of consciousness , , the real pattern fore ' ' evolution ITSELF , , and the universal blueprint fore ' ' the ENTIRE FABRIC AND TAPESTRY revealing the entirety of ALL _ A CREATION , , its very own information processing self , , ITSELF . . .


. . . - - on _ two – the _ next – moment . . .


. . . - - forever always TAO ; ; isaiah parable

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