eleventh story offering

... -- ' wii were talking ;; about that space between ourselves ' ;;; -- lennon ;; and wondering about the rational ;; physical - corporeal justification fore ' three phase current induction fore ' electrical potential movement and kinetic field flow ... -- and yet ,, another totally correct ,, totally explain _ itive postulate to account fore ' ,, and support ,, the generalized theory fore ' oscillating wavelength structures themselves ... ... -- electrical current appears _ manifests itself in three phases ,;; WHY ?? !! ;; well ;; because it is oscillating folds of realized potential which has a specific SEQUENCE OF KINETIC REALIZATION ,, as that potential crosses over from the subatomic universe of possibility , into the atomic universe of linear - sequential ' real time ' certainty ,, as a vibrating _ corporeal _ energy phenomenon ... -- this sequence fore ' potential realization happens across the possible creational dimensions fore ' all existence ;; and more specifically ,, indexes _ maps as a sequential gradient to the dimensions of WHERE _ WHEN _ HOW ... ... -- wii are looking at a transcribed _ transposed agenda fore the universal INTENT OF POTENTIAL REALIZATION ,, in the sub atomic field as it crosses over to the atomic _ molecular _ galactic field of corporeal certainty ,, and the manifestation sequence as an algorithm which resonates _ oscillates _ fires and folds ; between _ along the dimensions of WHERE _ WHEN _ HOW ,, as those dimensions monotonically and reflexively index the kinetic conversion occurrence _ event ,, itself ... ... -- this oscillating _ switching _ alternating activity ,, is again unfolded _ refolded a second ' tyme ' specifically _ topologically _ geometrically ,, within the single topical space of each dimension itself separately ,, as a triplet of coordinate points ,, where each point is a paired polar paring of possibility to certainty that represents the axis dimensions for corporeal physical space ... -- in purely ' WHERE ' dimensional terms then ,, this tri _ coordinate structure ,, maye now be described in terms of a three dimensional axis grid ;; which itself now corresponds to the ' x ' - ' y ' - ' z ' traditional ' three dimensions ' fore the physical universe ... ... -- wii can now extend this same general idea ,, and map _ define a ' WHEN ' supra dimensional constrained triplet of coordinate points ,, and get the timing fore ' a three phase oscillating _ expression _ release programmme fore ' electrical oscillating field current ,, and consequently map _ define a ' HOW ' supra dimensional constrained triplet of coordinate points ,, and get the pressure _ flow rate _ combined total oscillating expend _ iture ,, for the entire three phases of the same currential occurrence itself ... ... -- there is a fourth phase of electrical current oscillating field structure ,, and this has to do with the over all manifestation _ topological _ manifold _ geometry fore ' generalized field potential ;; in total expended terms ,, as those terms relate to the universal field structure of overall completion _ expression for the entirety of that same creational structure itself .. . -- ion other words ,, in the ultimate sense of potential _ kinetic _ gravitational _ radiational resolution - completion ,, this specific sub type of oscillating field structure has certain specific field structure characteristics ;; which identify _ designate that field structure ' s interwoven - inter _ related function / part itself ... ... -- the manner in which this particular oscillating field relates to generalized gravity _ radity in the creational - universal sens ,, and how this structure can be used to effect -_ modify that overall generalized occurrence - itinerary ,, is revealed within the context of those corporeal - physical processing space FOUTH DIMENSIONAL resonate HARMONIC FOLDED EXPEND _ ED PATTERNS towardz three phase conventional electrical field activity ... ... -- this general algorithm - procedure ,, as it maps _ indexes between subatomic and atomic universes,, between possibility and certainty ,, between linear sequential intention and linear sequential ' real time ' extent _ tion ,, in a geometric _ topological fashion ,, also accounts for the manifold field structures of magnetism ,, proton _ electron _ neutron folded structure ,, ionic covalency ,, plasma characteristics ,, and the like ... ... -- forever always now ; isaiah parable

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