sixth story offering

... -- let ' s look at mining practices ;; because this is an important aspect fore ' the global patchwork municipality inter commerce / union framework ;; where certain localities are laden with the responsibility to provide metal ore towardz the rest of the planet ,, and to do it inn an environmentally ,, and labourer friendly manner ,, where the rights _ safety _ health _ well being _ and enjoyment fore ' the miners _ plants _ animals - ecosystem ,, are equally respected and observed ...


... -- staring with the environment first ;; the end goal fore ' what the mining site is to be used fore ' ,, in environmental terms ,, needs to be the corner stone which determines the overall strategy fore '' raw ore extraction from the under earth medium of interaction ... -- the ' end environmental _ ecosystem goal ' may be an added lake ,, a preserved unchanged landscape ,, a modified environmentally active underground habitat ,, a stream created wetland sanctuary ,, or some combination of these and other landscape types ...


... -- no matter what the outcome fore ' the eventual ecosystem cast is to be ,, there should NEVE BE ANY STRIP MINING DONE ON THE PLANET ,, AND OPEN AIR ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION IS THE LAST STEP IN THE ENTIRE MINING PROCESS ... -- all construction of the ecosystem landscape is to be conducted underground ,, in conjuction with the extraction of metal ore ,, and preparation fore ' the eventual development fore ' the exposed _ open air ecosystem land feature ... -- this preserves the initial environment quality of the site for e' as long as possible ,, minimizes erosion ,, heat reflection ,, habitat disruption ,, and permits the transition ,, or maintenance of surface landscape in the most effective and efficient manner ...


... -- to this end ,, all tunneling and shafting of the mine under ground ,, must be conducted in the most strategic fashion ,, in order to bring about the completion of the final landscape plan ,, where a maximum amount of ore may be extracted ,, AND AS ALWAYS ,, THE HEALTH _ SAFETY _ WELL BEING _ ENJOYMENT OF THE MINERS MUST BE RESPECTED AND HONORED AT ALL TIMES !!! -- let ' s look at the roll out fore ' safe _ productive _ enjoyable mining practices ,, that are union / guild controlled ,, municipality defined ,, and locally populated and maintained ...


... -- wii want to discuss the mining of friendly metal ore as an occupation that any one or everyone would like to try ,, and a practice where people will enjoy learn the craft of ore procurement ,, and exist as a safe and rewarding occupation fore ' others to return to in concert with the other trades _ practices _ professions which will certainly be available the the same time ... -- wii can start with breathing and vision ,, and say that all below ground surface occupations will have absolute purifying respirators and self cleaning eye goggles as standard ,, required ,, attire ...


... -- if wii utialize the small two ring rare earth magnet design now being favored in the far east as a low voltage generator ,, this gives us a 6 - 8 watt output ,, fore a thin double ring which is approximately the size of your thumb and index finger joined ,, and can be used in conjunction with ionization technology ,, to actively purify the respirator filter from any particulate contaminates ,, and maintain a completely clean inhalation air stream flow ... -- the same design ,, will include an extra ' back up ' mini magnetic motor ' can be used to ionize the air flow cleaning the eye goggle lenses ,, and thus providing an overall miner safe _ healthy _ and enjoyable eye _ nose _ mouth functioning environment ...


... -- let ' s move on to mine shaft safety .. and realize that there needs to be hollow serviceable lined _ supportive mine shafts sunk down into the mining areas ,, at regular and strategic positions ,, with relationship towardz the overall geographic three dimensional mine shaft outlay ... -- these supportive _ serviceable lined mine shafts are to be of a reinforced shell hollow design ,, where the shaft helps to support the overall framework of the mine honeycomb ,, can be used to pump in and extract air / gas ,, may be a service shaft fore supplies ,, and an evacuation shaft ,, in the event of mine shaft cave in or failure ...


... -- eye favor the complete lining in all directions of the underground mine network ,, with thin conductor rods ,, which maye be consequently be heated up to partially melt the rock _ earth _ soil ,, in order to create a temporary or permanent fused _ glazed rock structure ,, which can safely support miners ,, and all necessary ore extraction ,, and miner support equipment ... eye also suggest the placement of ultra sound devices at regular intervals to continuously monitor structural integrity ,, and vital function monitors fore ' each miner who is working below surface ,, to insure miner safety ,, constant health status ,, and known whereabouts ...


... -- eye look foreword to having the opportunity to join the miners union in actively working various mining locations around the globe ,, and to become an active practitioner _ artisan fore ' this particular and much respected trade _ craft ...


... --forever always now ; isaiah parable

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