seventy first degree entering


. . . - - the working hypothesis fore ' inverse _ algebra _ fiers as quantified property value assignment phrases towardz state _ ifier main event theme phrases , , is that there is minimally existential and numerical property value assignment , , as denoted thru the folded dimensional vectors fore ' ' WHO ' & ' WHAT ' . . .


. . . - - additional inverted category set theoretic total possible state _ ifier quantity , , itself as possible sequential instance positioning on a continuum gradient , , can be added as ' WHEN ' folded dimensional vector information phrase furl . . .


. . . - - lexical markers can bear one or more folded UG phrase functors , , where a single lexical item may indicate one or more inverse algebra _ fire phrase operators , , and / or a main event state _ ifier phrase as well . . .


. . . - - lexical item – UG folded phrase relations are determined fore ' native speakers automatically & non _ consciously as acquired / fluid syntactic / [connecting fringe semantic ] processing attention , , where UG parameters are set thru inductive exposure to the object native language during the human natural language parameter setting window of opportunity . . .


. . . - - humans instinctively allow and facilitate  ' environmental exposure to a native language as infants , ,  in order to follow the course of parallel INDUCTIVE / DEDUCTIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING , , which also woks in tandem with the expanded processes fore ' CLOSURE / CONSERVATION , , to completely set and operationalize all connected & necessary UG parameter boundaries & appropriate setting positions . . .


. . . - - just as a reference point here , , the acquisition of a native language is the automatic functional release fore 'the already innately developed machinery / structure / operation POTENTIAL , , fore ' UG event formulation , , which is also itself the basis fore ' all human abstract conceptual thought , , cognition , , problem solving , , and any theoretical information processing endeavour at all . . .


. . . - - the meta reflective ability fore humans to process abstract information structures , , and produce novel instances / novel thematic event structures , , BEYOND ACTIVITY FORE ' THE FREE POTENTIAL SETTING OF UG PARAMETER BOUNDARY POSITIONS , , is otherwise known as the activity of LEARNING , , as that process wields UG event creation , , in the service of generating new abstract symbolic event content information structures themselves . . .


. . . - - the interesting concept to continue to bear in mynde here , , is that humans are able to generate and negotiate new abstract conceptual event themes & contents , , without needing to , , or ever really having a functional grasp , , or idea of the underlying UG machinery / fundamental operating structure , , which itself is really & totally & ultimately responsible fore the entirety of all human abstract thematic event creational capability / capacity to begin with . . .


. . . - - letz look at a few more examples fore inverse _ algebra _ fier / state _ ifier lexical marking , , and reflect on the multiple UG phrase possible assignments to surface lexical items , , the idiosyncratic native language characteristic fore underlying phrase surface lexical marker assignment condition , , and the final inverse _ algebra _ fier folded dimension for e ' WHERE ' which allows fore ' either abstract OR concrete LOCATION state _ ifier property value assignment itself . . .


a ) . . . - - ' a shelia left quickly ' ; ; this event completion looks / feels a little bit funny , , because the lexical item ' shelia ' , , ALREADY carries the underlying inverse _ algebra _ fier phrase setting fore ' the ' in existential categorical manner , , which is in CONFLICT with the lexical marker ' a ' , , in the same event theme . . .


b ) . . . - - ' the first three girls left quickly ' ; ; existential – linear sequential – numerical inverse _ algebra _ fier phrases , , all preceding the state _ ifier phrase lexically marked bye ' girls ' . . .


c ) . . . - - ' that girl left quickly ' ; ; the possible indication fore ' a concrete OR abstract spatial location of the state _ ifier lexically itemed ' girl ' is denoted bye the inverse _ algebra _ fier phrase lexical marker ' that ' . . .


d ) . . . - - all three first girls left quickly ' ; ; this event involves overlapping set theoretical division of different gradient categorical conditions , , which first defines a set of instances [ girls ] where ALL INSTANCES ARE SELECTED FORE ' THE EVENT CREATION ; ; this set is further defined as having ONLY three instances in it , , with no inverse remaining set quantity to consider , , finally the event denotes a SECOND SET THEORETICAL CONTINUUM , , where the ' first ' position on a possible gradient of multiple state _ ifier SET GROUP positions , , IS HELD BYE THE INITIAL THREE MEMBER CATEGORY SET OF GIRL STATE _ IFIER INSTANCES ITSELF . . .


. . . - - aZZZ wiii continue ; ;


. . . - - forever always now ; ; isaiah parable

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