fifty ninth degree entering


. . . - - ' on two & too & thru & thru , , the vorpal blade went snicker snack ' – ' carrol ' . . . - - lewis carrol got some bad press about being a pedifile , , he wasn ' t , , and remember that the age of consent in several asian countries is 13 , , and that ' s not a wrong idea . . . - - lewis carrol was an opium user , , an avid partier , , a brilliant logician , , a philosopher , , a REAL FREE MASON , , & a story teller extraordinaire . . .


. . . - - you set the age of consent at puberty , , which is the psychological – biological indication of a female ' s / male ' s sexual awareness and correct interaction window , , and with open sexual social ' topical awareness intercourse ' , , all child molestation disappears , , all unwanted pregnancy disappears , , all family sexual dysfunction disappears , , all associated violence and sexual abuse disappears . . .


. . . - - SEE ; ; when evolution rolls out innate consciousness fore ' environmental ' setting ' fore ' those genetically mapped UG parameter values , , there needs to valid input , , so that the settings can be optimally defined . . .




. . . - - this is the same REALITY , , as not exposing mammals to the proper ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS , , which WILL ' imprint ' correct -- optimal behavior interactive patterns , , INTO THEIR UG EXPERIENTIAL SELF BRAIN MODULES . . .


. . . - - the same logic applies to a human ' s psycho _ sexual development , , and when THIS WINDOW FORE ' INNATE SEXUAL _ SOCIAL – PSYCHOLOGICAL parameter settings opens AT PUBERTY , , there should be this input of open _ allowed -- safe _  responsible -- free _  positive --  sexual _ interaction , , to make sure that those innate UG parameter values THEMSELVES get set correctly & optimally THEMSELVES  . . .


. . . - - o . k . ; ; on to quant _ algebra _ fiers ; ; and realize that wii want to look at two specific imagined models fore ' facilitating this understanding fore ' UG phrasology itself . . .


. . . - - letz look at the ' spine ' vector folded dimensional trajectory approach to information processing , , and see how different dimensional feeds , , get wrapped and VANISHED into larger intersecting conceptual reality junctions , , as that sub phrase composite defining dimensional vector reaches completion itself . . .


. . . - - so there is this IMAGE OF DIMENSIONAL LINES OF LOGIC WHICH ARE FOLDED INTO LARGER INTERSECTING SUB PROCESSING PHASES / PHRASES , , as indicated bye inductively defined phrase boundary _ event – monotonic _ relation egress . . .


. . . - - the other model to focus on , , is about the PO0SSIBILITY – CERTAINTY REALIZATION RATIO GRADIENT , , as possibility converts into certainty , , over the course and completion _ realization course fore overall event vector trajectory run . . .


. . . - - let ' s look at the following diagrams , , which give[ s ] an idea in linear sequential reel tyem , , how potential is realized thru the conversion of possibility into certainty , , on thematic event meta & actual lines _ STAGES fore ' information processing create : : :


meta event continuum --- > possibility / certain possibility / – >


--- > / possible certainty / -- >


actual conceptual event continuum --- > certain certainty


algebra _ fier --- > quant _ algebra _ fier --- > inverse _ algebra _ fier --- > quant _ ifier --- > qual _ ifier --- > state _ ifier --- > quant _ qual _ ifier --- > act _ ifier --- > quant _ algebra _ fier --- > algebra _ fier . . .


actual conceptual event realization flows from meta pre ACTUAL realization setting – > realized main theme – > plot [ development ] – > climax full ACTUAL EVENT REALIZATION _ COMPLETION – > post event meta evaluation coda . . .


. . . - - now imagine meta events


a ) as preceding logically selected conceptual events ; ;


b ) as preceding linear sequential reel tyme events ; ;


c ) as actual conceptual event pre event setting ; ;


; ; and see how all of this fits together , , in order to bring about the overall realization fore ' complete event created expression , , on all connected dimensional ' spine ' vector folded phrase vector intersections , , and discrete meta event realized vector event de – parting trajectories themselves . . .


. . . - - then see how a quant _ algebra _ fier phrase IS the folded in dimensional reality fore ' realizing event existence , , specifically in defining event meta setting certainty , , thru the flow of information from possibility on into certainty , , fore ' the entire event itself . . .


. . . - - there is not a computational handling of event & meta event seg _ meantz , , there is the pre ACTUAL EVENT REELIZATION _ realization of setting information in terms of dimensional possibilities WHERE _ WHEN – HOW – HOWZ that possibly create how certain actual meta setting or situation staging maye be defined . . .


. . . - - as a meta note here , , this vision fore ' UG paradigm , , is consistent with the total inanimate consciousness realization protocol , , in termz of gravity & radity , , and is consistent with the conventional energetic astral / spiritual field generation patterns fore ' lines of light as awareness representing the ' lines of the world ' & ALL CREATION ITSELF AS A STRUCTURE & A SINGLE MOMENT ITSELF ; ; , , the emanating bands of universal consciousness , , and the overall patterns fore ' THE EAGLE ' S EXISTENCE , , AS THAT CONCEPTUAL INANIMATE CREATIONAL STRUCTURE FORE ' ALL ANIMATE & INANIMATE CREATION ITSELF . . .


. . . - - as wii roll along . . .


. . . - - forever always TAO ; ; isaiah parable

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