eighth story offering

... -- wii want to ,, at this time look a little more closely at the magnetic motor ,, and realized that indeed wii are utilizing the universal principle fore ' oscillating field structures ,, which is very well known ,, circulated ,, and established ,, at this particular information processing point ...


... in a nut shell here ;; the total potential fore ' the entire universe ,, is a fabric fold ,, the realization of consciousness is the conversion of possibility to certainty ,, the conversion though intention into extention ... -- the force fore '  total attraction to completion is GRAVITY ,,, the force of release and realization of consciousness is RADITY ... -- gravity forces realization ,, radity fullfills completion ,, which is the return genesis re _ creating gravity again ...


... -- potential pre _ exists or is a possibility in the subatomic field which is the inverse of the atomic _ molecular - galactic field structure ,,,  the subatomic field is FAR & SMALL SIMULTANEOUSLY ,, the atomic _ molecular _ galactic field is LARGE & NEAR SIMULTANEOUSLY ... -- the sub atomic field unfolds at the beginning of quasars ,, and at the boundary between atomic and subatomic structure ,, and folds at the beginning of black holes and the boundary between atomic and subatomic structure ...


... -- the flow of oscillating field structure IS IDENTICAL AS GENERALIZED MOVEMENT FROM QUASARS AND AS DECAYING SUBATOMIC PARTICLES ,, AND TO BLACK HOLES AND AS FORMING SUBATOMIC PARTICLES ... -- another way to look at this ,, is if wii sub divide all of the data for sub atomic collider / accelerator formed particles [ AND ALL CHEMICAL IONIC COVALENT AND ENERGETIC ELEMENTAL REACTIONS ] ,, wii can see a perfect symmetry in particle behavior ,, where the reflexive dividing line also defines the galactic behavior of matter within the boundaries of black holes and quasars ,, in  an absolute isomorphic fashion ... -- this data fit is exact and perfect ,, and has already been described in detai bye mii ,, on several occasions ...


... -- and this total folding / unfolding also is the exact mirror divided _ reflexive model to describe the folding and unfolding of atomic structure where protons ,, electrons ,, and neutrons are described as geometric manifolds ,, where the protons are pair polar paired to electrons as folds with negative- outer  _ positive - inner charge ,, and neutrons are sandwiched in between layers of neutral or combined charge and inverse charge manifold layers ...


... -- to this end then ;; the intermediate universe can as already well described ,,, in terms of this folding and unfolding of oscillating fabric ,, as it pulses between gravity and radity ,, through chemical ionic co _ valent ,, fission _ fusion nuclear ,, and energetic reactions ,, between the small and the large ,, between the near and the far ...


... -- so an application of this is of course tesla ' s work on field induction ,, and how magnets maye be used in conjunction with capacitors [ glorified copper field windings ] to initially create and amplify directed oscillating radity in the form of electricity ...


... -- the thin two small ring design is very effective fore ' the initial oscillating push / impetus ,, and then to have a super thin / small diameter  ,, internally wound copper three phase wound sleeve inserted inside the inner ring ,, as well as an outer three phase copper wound conducting / inducting three phase wound structure ,, wiil allow fore '

BOTH spinning magnets to move within the copper field windings ,, and thus induce a current AT BOTH ENDS OF EACH RING POSITIONING ...


... -- if wi can now picture a long super thin inner ceramic sleeve ,, which has three divider sectons fore ' three phase copper winding ,, and an outer ceramic housing ,, that is designed the same waye ;; now the simple stacking  / hanging of eight thing pair polar paired magnet rings ,, will easily yield the 300 watt - 20 ampre desired permanent power supply ,, which is the core energy need to empower and authorize the universal nomad union member deployment ...


... -- an added bonus would be to make the inner sleeve a magnet itself ,, where one pole , [ the north ] ,, would be the entire inside sleeve ,, and the other pole , [ the south ] ,, would be the entire outside sleeve ,, allowing the inner rings to now float in relatiion to the internally placed thin tube magnetic sleeve ..




... -- forever always now ; isaiah parable

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